Minutes 6-7-2006

Degrees and Certificates Committee

June 7, 2006
Sylvania Campus, 2 pm
Conference Room A

Committee Members:

Committee members
X Susanne Christopher Chair Mark Hagen Dave Stout
X Lucinda Eshleman X Nancy Wilder X Tony Zable
X Linda Gettman X Eriks Puris X Jennifer Bowers

Committee Support:

Committee support
Amy Alday-Murray X Scott Huff X Rick Aman

Susanne called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm.

Minutes: May 2006 minutes reviewed by committee and seconded. May minutes approved.

New Business

New: Emergency TeleCommunicator One-year Certificate (46 credits) Carol Buneau, Cascade Faculty, presented a request for a new One-year Certificate in Emergency TeleCommunicator. This expanded certificate offering is the next phase toward a potential two-year AAS degree in Emergency Management. Carol also presented the Related Instruction via the new RI Template. to categories, such as : Core Courses, Approved Electives, and Electives as approved by Program Advisor.

One-Year Certificate was approved for recommendation.

Revision: AAS in Computer Information Systems and AAS in Computer Information Systems, Network Administration Option requested a degree revision in their writing requirements. The new proposed requirement is: WR 121 and an additional writing course selected from the following: WR 122, 123, 214, or 227. Revision was approved for recommendation.

Discussion Items

High School Diploma Task Force Update Linda Gettman shared that the AHSD will be revised by the State this summer. There is a potential for changes in the OARs as well as guidelines for credit conversions. The D/C committee members asked Linda to email the Task Force members and ask if there is a PCC statement we want to share with the State to help inform their discussion. She will update the D/C committee about State decisions reached over the summer in October.

June Retreat

Committee members spent a few minutes discussing the June 20th retreat at Edgefield. Eight members will be attending.

Meeting adjourned at 3:15pm.