Minutes 2-2-2005

Degrees and Certificates Committee

February 2, 2005
Sylvania Campus, 3:00-5:00 pm
CT Conference Room

Members Present: Susanne Christopher, Mark Hagen, Amy Alday-Murray, Lucinda Eshleman, Linda Gettman, Dave Stout, Tony Zable, Kevin Lien

Guests: Karen Jolly, Gary Hecht (EET), Steve Ward and H. Thomas Gillespie (for Building Inspection), Jan Abu Shakrah (Gerontology), Margie Fyfield, Spencer Hinkle (Building Construction Technology)

1. Minutes of meeting from 5 January 2005 were approved as corrected.

2. Electronic Engineering Technology

a. Revision of the AAS in EET

Gary Hecht walked the committee through the proposed changes, explaining justification for each. Motion was made, seconded and passed that the degree be approved with either three or four credit versions of WR 121 and four or five credit versions PHYS 201, 202, and 203 used to meet degree requirements.

b. New EET Certificate

Motion was made, seconded and passed that this new one-year certificate be approved with either three or four credit versions of WR 121 and the General Education elective, which must be a Human Relations course, used to meet certificate requirements.

3. Building Inspection Technology Degree revision

Motion was made, seconded and passed that the proposed revisions of the degree requirements be approved with either three or four credit versions of PSY 101 and WR 121 (the latter in place of the Gen Ed elective listed on the proposal) used to meet degree requirements.

4. Gerontology AAS Degree and Certificate revisions

Motion was made, seconded and passed that the proposed revisions of the certificate requirements be recommended for approval with the understanding that the certificate must consist of at least 46 credit hours.

Motion was made, seconded and passed that the proposed revisions of the degree requirements be recommended for approval with the understanding that the degree must consist of at least 90 credit hours.

5. Discussion on AAS “last 18 credits”

After lengthy discussion, the motion was made, seconded and passed to recommend approval of the following revision to the 18 credit rule:

“The final 18 credits that apply to the degree must include at least nine credits at PCC that apply to the specific program requirements, excluding courses used solely for the General Education requirements. Students may apply to the department chair for waiver of this requirement.”

6. Building Construction Technology revision and new certificate

a. Revision of two-year certificate in Building Construction Technology

The motion was made, seconded and passed to recommend approval of the proposed revision to the two-year certificate in Building Construction Technology.

b. New Option in the Building Construction Technology AAS Degree for Design-Build Remodeling

The motion was made, seconded and passed to recommend approval of the proposed new Design-Build Remodeling option under the AAS degree in Building Construction Technology with a reduction of Gen Ed requirements from 18 to 16.

c. New Two-year Certificate in Design-Build Remodeling

The motion was made, seconded and passed to recommend approval of the proposed new Design-Build Remodeling two-year certificate.

7. Commendation for the path breaking work of Spencer Hinkle

The motion was made, seconded and passed to commend Spencer Hinkle for his ground breaking work demonstrating how related instruction will meet Gen Ed outcomes in his PT programs.

7. Discussion of AS degrees with discipline designation

Susanne reported that two proposals are in the works for AS degrees with discipline designation, one in Engineering and the other in Health Sciences. The committee has charged Susanne with bringing this issue before the EAC.

8. The next meeting will be March 2, 2005 in the CT conference room, 3-5 pm.

Minutes submitted by Dave Stout, 2/2/05.