Minutes 4-7-2004

Degrees and Certificates Committee

April 7, 2004
Sylvania Campus, 3:30-5:00 pm
TLC Conference Room

Present: Susanne Christopher, Lucinda Eshleman, Kevin Lien, Amy Alday-Murray, Pat Lewis, Linda Gettman, Tony Zable, Dave Stout

Guests: Carol Bruneau & Kal Robertson from EDO (Emergency Dispatch) at CA.

  1. Susanne introduced Carol Bruneau from EDO (Emergency Dispatch), who is bringing us the Emergency Telecommunicator certificate proposal.

    Motion to recommend approval of the 26-hour certificate in Emergency Telecommunication (ETC) pending approval of EDO 115 by Curriculum Committee passed unanimously.

  2. March 5, 2004 Minutes: approved as corrected.
  3. Discussion of Transfer Degree Requirements.

    We started by thanking Lucinda Eshleman for her efforts to shed light on our transfer requirements (see handout).

    Guy Sievert joined us and updated us on recent developments in the state and within the college (3 – 4 credit conversion, agreements between PCC and specific departments in OUS schools like the ASOT in Business).

    We decided therefore that it would be premature for us to move ahead on changes to current PCC transfer degrees. We anticipate picking up the discussion in the fall, when some of these other issues come more clearly into focus.

  4. We will not meet in May, as originally planned, but will instead meet again on June 2, time and place to be determined.

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.

Submitted by Dave Stout, 4/7/04