Minutes 4-14-2003

Degrees and Certificates Committee


April 14, 2003, Sylvania Campus, 3:30-5pm, CT219

Members: Susanne Christopher, Chair Tony Zable, Linda Gettman, Pat Lewis, Lucinda Eshleman

Guests: Amy Alday-Murray, Dorothy Badri, Linda Huddle

The meeting was called to order at 3:35pm and the minutes of the March 10 meeting were approved after some minor corrections were made.

PCC High School Diploma – Linda Huddle & Amy Alday-Murray

Linda Huddle presented a document showing the revised requirements for the PCC High School Diploma and the PCC courses that had been identified as meeting each requirement. The committee asked questions about the process of selecting courses to meet each requirement. Linda showed us a separate document outlining the content that must be met in a course to have it qualify to meet one of the degree requirements. The committee had questions about the selection of physics courses, reading courses, literature courses, personal finance and chemistry. Linda agreed to review the selections made and double check for omissions and errors. Because time is of the essence, she will email any corrections to us and we will vote by mail.

Landscape Technology – Amy Alday-Murray

Amy Alday-Murray presented documentation prepared by the Landscape Technology Department. They requested changes to their two-year degree and several certificates. The paperwork was missing some vital information and some program changes were unclear, so the paperwork was sent back to the department for clarification.

Landscape Technology also requested that they be allowed to temporarily suspend their Two-year Plant Propagation Certificate beginning Fall 2003. If the program is not reactivated by July 2004, then we will formally notify the Department of Education. Linda Gettman moved that we recommend this temporary suspension and Lucinda Eshleman seconded the motion. The committee voted to approve the motion, with one abstaining vote.

A/B List for the AAOT Degree

The committee spent a short amount of time working on some questions about the A/B lists. We will continue to revise these at our next meeting and then present them to the EAC for discussion.

The next meeting of the Degrees and Certificates Committee will be May 7 at 3:30 PM, location to be announced. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 PM.