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Room Reservation Guidelines

Room Reservation Guidelines

Group study rooms

  • Some group study rooms can be reserved by current PCC students, staff, and faculty.
  • To schedule a room, go to Library Rooms
    • Select the campus
    • Select the button “Reserve a study room at [campus]”
    • Select the room you wish to reserve
    • Pick a date and time, and click the button “submit times”.
    • Read the room guidelines then select “Continue”.
    • At the room scheduling page, select “Submit an Event”
    • Fill in the room booking request form (full name, email, and event details) then select “Submit my booking”.
  • Reservations are limited to 2 hours to maximize access for all users.
  • Reservations must be submitted at least one day in advance. Same day reservations are not accepted.
  • Repeat or consecutive reservations on these rooms are not accepted.
  • A group that is more than 10 minutes late loses the reservation.
  • If the room is not reserved, use is on a first-come-first-served basis for groups or for individual study.
  • Study rooms are not soundproofed.
  • Food and drinks are welcome. Please leave the room clean and trash-free.
  • If you need assistance, please call or email library staff
  • Visitors and community users can use non-reserved library rooms on a first-come-first-served basis. If there is interest in reserving College rooms or venues, more information is available at Facilities Rental Information.

Library instruction classrooms

  • Library instruction classrooms are defined here as the computer classrooms located in libraries that are reserved for library instruction and overflow labs.  They do not include the non-computer classrooms at Southeast Campus.
  • Library instruction classrooms are primarily used by librarians for non-credit and credit instruction.
  • Library instruction classrooms are available during open hours.
  • Requests for instructional classes taught by librarians must be made at least one week in advance. To schedule library instruction, fill out the library instruction request form.
  • Trainers and instructors who wish to teach in a library instruction classroom without the help of a librarian must contact Library Administration (971-722-4498) to reserve a room. No administrative network access will be available (i.e. no PCC Intranet or Banner).
  • Library instruction classrooms may not be booked more than one week in advance unless it is for a class with a librarian.
  • Requests for library instruction classrooms will be processed once each business day, Monday through Friday.

Use of library spaces for events and displays

In each PCC campus library, limited spaces are available for events and displays. Priority for use of these spaces is given to library departmental purposes. When not otherwise being used for internal purposes, these spaces can be used for activities that support and advance the Library’s mission.  See Use of Library Spaces for Events and Displays for more information.