Library News


Get Physical

Get active, start moving, and have fun doing it. Exercise offers lots of perks: it pumps up brain cells, boosts mood, promotes better sleep, and contributes to a longer life.

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DIY Home Improvement Virtual Display

Sometimes a fresh updated look to your surroundings is just the thing to lift depression, help get organized, and channel inner creativity. Here are some examples of inspiring and simple projects that anyone can tackle on a budget.

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Equipment for Checkout

The library may have just what you need. Ask at the Checkout desk to find out what equipment is currently available.

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Popular Novels in the Library

Did you know that you can find new fiction and other best selling books at the PCC Library? Discover eBooks in fantasy, science fiction, action, mystery and other all around great reads.

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Dean’s Welcome

A welcome from the Dean of PCC Library for Summer term 2024. Our terrific library employees are here to help you navigate the many services and resources we have available.

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