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We decided to be better people and to give back to the community that saved us.

We decided to be better people and to give back to the community that saved us.

Hi, my name is Demia. I’m one of those kids that had an abusive past with their parents. I’ve been in and out of foster homes my whole life and I’ve been working really hard with all different kinds of people through DHS trying to make my life change and to be a better person. I’m now a firefighter at Cornelius Fire Department. I’ve worked really hard to get there and to get over what happened to me as a kid.

My dad was a very bad person. He used to beat me up as well as my brother, Nevar. Nevar is doing good now too. He’s getting into becoming a police officer. We both decided not to let what happened affect us. We decided to be better people and to give back to the community that saved us. It’s all really cool and it’s something that I really love. I’m there to help the people who need it and give back to the people that saved me.