Library News


Donate Items to Reduce Fines

PCC Library accepts donations of packaged food or new hygiene items to reduce overdue fines. You receive $5.00 or $10.00 for each item donated. Bring items to any library checkout desk.

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PCC Library Celebrates cultureSEast

Join the cultureSEast celebration at the Southeast Campus on March 3-5, 2020. This signature event is an invitation to bridge identities, stories, and communities.

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Featured Ebook: Dismantling Race in Higher Education

This book asks difficult and challenging questions, including why black academics leave the system; why the curriculum is still white; how elite universities reproduce race privilege; and how Black, Muslim and Gypsy traveller students are disadvantaged and excluded.

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Library Zones

The Library has four noise zones: silent, whisper, hum, and collaborative. What’s your comfort zone? Find the place that will best suit your needs.

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Chargers for Check Out

Need to charge your device on campus, but forgot your charger? PCC Library has Multi USB charging cables for check out at each campus. Cables check out for 4 hours.

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