Risk Management Job Family

Important Note: Department job titles in some cases will differ than the classification titles shown here. These tables do not indicate the number of positions that exist for each classification title.

This information is made available for career planning and general information purposes only. While we make every effort to accurately present all the information on this website, position, title and grade information can change, be modified or incomplete, and may not always be reflected here at the time of viewing. Please refer to PCC Job postings for additional information or contact Compensation for any classification questions.

Last updated: August, 2019

Risk Management

Primary nature of work: Investigating and mitigating College operating risks

Classification Employee Category Grade
Risk Management Claims Specialist Classified 19
Risk Manager Management/Confidential L

Internal Audit

Primary nature of work: Provide independent assurance that an College’s risk management, governance and internal control processes are operating effectively

Classification Employee Category Grade
Internal Auditor Management/Confidential M