Description of Information on Job Detail Page

  • Position: This uniquely identifies this job. This information may be requested on your timesheet and/or mileage reimbursement form.
  • Reason for change: Provides a brief description for the action taken on this job.
  • Status: This indicates the current status of this job. See table below for description.
    Code Description
    A Active
    T Terminated
    B Leave without Pay, with Benefits
    L Leave without Pay, without Benefits
    F Leave with Pay, with Benefits
  • Grade: Depending on the type of job, this will be the salary grade/level/description this job is paid at from the salary schedules. For example, if this is a job for a lecture course the “Grade” will be “LEC”.
  • Appointment percent: This is the percent of the appointment. It will usually be 100%. It may be less than 100% for job shares or leaves of absence.
  • Pay hours: This indicates the maximum number of hours that may be paid on the next payroll.
  • Hourly rate: This is the hourly rate of pay for this job.
  • Authorized pay amount: This is the annual salary or for jobs less than 12 months, this the maximum amount to be paid on this job.
  • Number of pays: This is the maximum number of payroll periods that this job will be available for payment.
  • Each pay check: This is the amount estimated to be paid each pay period when the total “Pay Hours” are paid.
  • Next pay date: This is the date of the next scheduled pay date for this job.