Faculty Tools

Teaching Support
  • Get to know your subject liaison librarian! These faculty librarians develop the PCC Library collections for your subject.
  • Librarians also teach instruction sessions tailored to your assignments and teaching objectives. Fill out the instruction request form, and a librarian will reply to discuss options for your class.
  • Check out our Teaching in the Community College guide, where you’ll find resources that support continuous learning for our community of educators, including books, videos, online journals and research databases.
  • Our Course Specific Research Support guides provide instructional objectives, and bridging competencies, for achievement of the course specific research outcomes for courses with indicators for research skills, or information literacy concepts in the course outcomes, outcome assessments, or course content sections.
Class Materials
  • Course Reserves: Place materials from PCC Library or your personal collection on reserve for your courses. You decide how long students can check them out and from where!
  • Open Educational Resources: Save your students money with OER! Library faculty can help you formulate an OER strategy and find open resources for your classes.
  • Streaming Videos: Browse PCC Library collections of streaming videos for use in your courses.
  • Purchase Request: Can’t find an item you need? Suggest specific books, ebooks, periodicals, videos, or audio CDs to add to PCC Library’s collections.
Articles & Databases
Research Guides & Tutorials