Instructional Continuity – Draft

Updated 03/27/2020

Campus and hybrid courses being offered Spring 2020 will be delivered remotely, at minimum, through May 4, 2020.

Thank you for the amazing effort you have put into ensuring your D2L Brightspace course shells are ready for students! Please note: Spring courses in D2L Brightspace go live for students on Monday, March 30th by 12:01 am! 

What’s new?

  • Webpage: Organized for at-a-glance access to resources
  • Remote Delivery Help: Options provided for faculty support during Week 1 of Spring term
  • Remote Delivery Requirements: Clarification regarding recording live class sessions

Remote delivery help

We recognize that the experience our instructional community has with D2L Brightspace is wide-ranging. Please know that Online Learning. Accessible Ed & Disability Resources, and experienced department colleagues are here to support you regardless of your comfort level with the technology.

Remote delivery requirements


Messaging that went to students:

You are enrolled in a course that might use such web conferencing tools as Zoom or Google Meet (video and audio communications). Some or perhaps all online class meetings, where everyone in class is online at the same time, may be recorded. If the instructor opts to record the session to support learning, these recordings will be shared only to students who are registered for your course. Students are required to follow the guidelines for recording provided by PCC’s Student Code of Conduct Policy and Procedures. We have asked your instructor to notify you before recording a class meeting. If you’d like to opt out of being video recorded, you can turn off your video in Zoom or Google Meet. Your audio or chat responses will still be recorded.

Key Points
  • Students who are enrolled in classes now called “remote learning” must have the opportunity to complete the class remotely, whether or not the campuses re-open on May 4.  Instructors must be committed to support students learning and meeting the learning objectives remotely throughout the entire term.
  • If campuses reopen on May 4, it is not necessarily the case that all classes will return to face-to-face only or remain fully remote only. Some students, for whatever reasons, may not be able to return to class and we would need instructors to find ways to support those students completing remotely.  Other students may want to return to campus for face-to-face meetings, office hours, tutoring, and use of campus resources; we will need instructors to support those students as well. Finally, some classes may become potential “hybrid” classes, with a combination of face-to-face and remote components.  Instructors, working with their FDCs and Division Deans, will determine the best ways to deliver instruction and support student learning as the term progresses and the situation evolves. Here are three possible scenarios for instruction to choose from should campuses reopen May 4:
    • Scenario 1: Campuses reopen and the instructor and most of the class decide to continue remotely, but some students also want to return to campus for office hours, tutoring, use of campus resources, etc. Faculty should be expected to hold office hours and provide learning support, as necessary.
    • Scenario 2: Campuses reopen and faculty return to primarily on campus face-to-face delivery.  Some students, for whatever reasons, cannot return to class and we would have the expectation that the instructors find ways to support those students completing remotely.  This would be similar to what instructors do now for students who may have extended absences from class due to health or family issues.
    • Scenario 3: Campuses reopen, and class becomes something like a “hybrid”, with some campus meetings and continued remote components, and students are supported in whatever ways help them learn the course material and complete the course.  In this case, the class is neither fully remote nor fully face-to-face, but a hybrid of remote and on-campus activities, similar to many courses we offer currently.

    As stated above, instructors, working with their FDCs and Division Deans, will determine the best ways to deliver instruction and support student learning as the term progresses and the situation evolves.

Credit courses

All credit courses are required to use D2L Brightspace to deliver course content. Online Learning has created campus courses in Brightspace with a simplified template that includes basic tools, a student resource module, and a Q&A discussion forum.Within Brightspace, instructors are expected to do the following:

  • Provide basic communication with students (e.g. post announcements, email students, provide feedback on assignments, etc.)
  • Add a Syllabus with clear explanation of resources required to complete the class
  • Provide Instructional materials (e.g., files, links, Google Docs, and videos)
  • Have students submit assignments that would have been turned in during class time
  • Allow students to finish the course remotely even if the college reopens
  • If you meet with your entire class remotely, you need to use integrated Zoom for web-conferencing at the day/time of originally scheduled course.
    •  Synchronous sessions offered at other times should be optional

Please Note: There will not be any new sponsored proctoring offered by the college. Existing arrangements for online and accommodated proctoring will still be supported.

Non-credit courses

Not Community or Contract Education

Non-credit programs and courses that do not currently use D2L Brightspace or another tool for delivering instructional content online, are required to use:

  • Instructor Web Page (Web Easy) to post documents and assignments – can share link via email
  • Email for communication and assignment submission
  • Google Hangouts Meet for any synchronous meetings
Supported instructional tools for course delivery

Establish communication – inform students of how you will communicate with them and how often. Remember to use bcc to protect student information.

Course Content

Distribute course materials such as the Syllabus, articles, videos, links, etc


Delivery of lectures – live options should be on the same day and time as the regularly scheduled class. Record your session for students who cannot attend the scheduled meeting. Both Zoom and Google Meet can be used as phone bridges to enable students without internet to participate.


Assessing your students – Provide opportunities for formative and summative assessment activities

Office Hours

Hold office hours – How might you offer students access to ask questions about coursework?


Provide grade info – How will students get feedback about their work?


Group work – How will students get started on collaborative projects?

Best practices for remote teaching

  • Reduce confusion and angst by identifying how and how frequently you will communicate with your students (e.g via Gmail every other day, via Announcements daily in Brightspace, etc.).
  • Post how you intend to communicate with students on the Brightspace homepage using either the Activity Feed or Announcements.
  • Be clear with the logistics and expectations related to your class. The college provides global messaging and other instructors will have different requirements for their courses.
Remain flexible
  • Not all students have access to computers or the internet outside of PCC. Consider surveying students in advance to find out what access to technology they have.
  • Students may need extra time to learn the technology you are using or they may need an extension on due dates. Your response time to their questions about content or assignments and your availability will change as well.
  • Offer synchronous class meetings using video conferencing on the day and time the class is scheduled to meet. Do not require synchronous class meetings outside of the regularly scheduled class day and time.
Consider the most important outcomes of the course
  • Determine the most important objectives and course outcomes in your choices. Consider which content, assessments, etc. are necessary and which are nice to have.
Uphold PCC term start and end dates and other college policies
  • Don’t require participation in a course before the start of the term or after it is scheduled to end.
  • If you’re unsure of how to apply a PCC policy in the event of closure, consult with your department chair or division dean.