Homepage Poppie

Poppie the Panther is the PCC mascot. As a first introduction to Poppie, we included a photo of Poppie at Commencement at the bottom of the page, a photo of Poppie in the photo collage, as well as a handful of pawprint background elements throughout the page.


There should be at least one image of Poppie in the homepage photo collage. The image at the bottom of the page (adjacent to the “next steps” section) should always include Poppie. Ideally, the image should include students, but it’s not necessary.


The image of Poppie at the bottom of the page can either be a photo or an illustration of the panther. There is a small tag with a pawprint and “Poppie the Panther” identifying the mascot in the image. The other pawprints are large and part of the background.

Responsive behavior

No change, other than to adjust in size according to the width of the screen. See the photo collage and background elements for descriptions of the responsiveness of those components.

Development info
  • Stylesheet location: /_source/styles/homepage/_news-events.scss
  • The image of Poppie adjacent to the “next steps” section is a CSS background image, as are the background pawprints throughout the page.
  • The image of Poppie in the photo collage is part of that particular strip of images.

Homepage Poppie examples

Next steps section

Image of Poppie with a tag identifying them


Homepage section with a teal background

Pawprints background element on a white background

Photo collage

Homepage photo collage with a photo of Poppie and an image of a student with a pawprint cookie