Rock Creek Veterans Resource Center

a place to connect with other vetsOur main area is a great spot to hang out.we have gameWe have all kinds of goodies at the center.Kickin it on the couchesWe have snacks, we have staffWe have computers and printers available for use.

Connect with Rock Creek VRC

  • Location: Building 2, Room 103A
  • Regular hours: Monday through Thursday, 9am-5pm
  • Front desk phone: 971-722-7743 or 7744
  • Rock Creek VRC Coordinator: Ryan Phillips
Virtual Veterans Resource Center Services (All VRCs)

No virtual services on Tuesday, October 8th. Virtual services will return October 9th. 


Government resources

RC VA Benefits Specialist

Robert Robert Hindahl guides and assists veterans transitioning to PCC. He coordinates and certifies education benefits with the VA to ensure veterans correctly utilize and receive their benefits. He can help with:

  • Post-911 GI Bill® (CH 33)
  • VR&E (CH 31)
  • DEA (CH 35)
  • PCC Tuition Waiver for Veteran Dependents of Oregon
  • Montgomery GI Bill® (CH 1606/CH 30)
  • Guard/Reserve Tuition Assistance
