
The PCC website homepage is different than all other pages on the website and includes many elements that are only found on the homepage.


The header, navigation, content background fills, and footer all fill 100% the width of the screen on the homepage. This is different than the rest of the pages on the website, which are contained in a 1000px column in the center of the page.

Responsive behavior

The homepage doesn’t change drastically on small screens. Content stacks vertically instead of being laid out horizontally. No content is hidden when the screen size decreases (this is true across the entire website) except for the descriptions and calls to action in the spotlights.

Development info

The homepage isn’t connected to the main PCC template, so it won’t update with the template updates. The news items update automatically from WordPress, and eventually, the events will update automatically from LiveWhale. Spotlights, announcements, facts, example programs, and tuition information are updated manually.

Homepage examples

Desktop view

page type: homepage desktop

Tablet view

page type: homepage tablet

Phone view

page type: homepage phone