
Adding New Members to PantherHub Club Page

  1. Sign in to PantherHub.
  2. Go to your club page.
  3. Choose “Manage Organization” in the top right corner.
  4. Click on the “hamburger image” in the top left corner (pictured below).
  5. Choose “Roster”.
  6. Choose “Invite People” in the top right corner.
  1. Add the email address(es) of the folks you would like to add, and be sure to separate each PCC email with a comma (ie:,
  2. Click “add email addresses”.

Turning on PantherHub Notifications

Turning on email notifications in PantherHub will allow you to see all your PantherHub activity in your email and on PantherHub.

  1. Log in to PantherHub.
  2. Click on your image (the round circle image in the top right corner of the webpage).
  3. This will pop up a set of options on the right side of your screen. Click on “Account” directly under your name.
  4. Click on the “notifications” tab.
  5. You can now customize your notifications. We recommend setting your notifications to this, keeping System and Email notifications for all PantherHub activity.

Joining Club Pages as a Member

When a new club member wants to be added to PantherHub, they can follow these steps. These steps can also be followed when you want to join a club across the district. 

  1. Log in to PantherHub.
  2. Type in the club you are searching for in the search bar.
  3. Click the “join” button.

Emailing Your Club Roster

  1. Sign in to PantherHub.
  2. Go to your club page.
  3. Click “Manage Organization” in the top right of the screen.
  4. Click on this image in the top left corner of the screen:
  5. Click “Roster”.
  6. Click “Messaging” in the top right corner of the screen.
  7. Click “Create Relay”.
  8. Choose the recipients you would like to email, by clicking “Edit” under “Positions.” Then check the box next to “Members”.
  9. Enter a title in the title box.
  10. Click “Generate.” This will then create a URL that will look similar to this.
  11. Copy and paste the entire URL into your PCC email, next to the “to” section of your new email.
  12. From there, you can create the email you want to send to all members!

Posting and Creating Events

  1. Sign in to PantherHub.
  2. Go to the organization you would like to post an event for.
  3. Click “Manage Organization”.
  4. Click on the “hamburger image” and choose “Events” from the section that will pop up on the left side of your screen.
  5. Choose “Create Events” in the top right corner of your screen.
  6. Create your event!

A cool thing about event posts is that these posts automatically show up in D2L.

Posting News Articles

News articles are a great way to advertise when your club meetings are being held, and a way to advertise any events you may have coming up in the club.

  1. Log in to PantherHub.
  2. Go to your club page.
  3. Choose “Manage Organization” in the top right corner of your webpage.
  4. Click on the hamburger icon in the top left corner.
  5. Choose the “News” option when options on the left side of your screen appear.
  6. Choose “create article”.
  7. You will then have the option to fill out your news article.
  8. Some things to note about this section: a) When you upload an image, it can get cut off, so try to create or upload an image that has all important content in the center or would fit perfectly in an Instagram posting box. b) Make sure you check the box that reads “notify members. c) Keep the view “public” so everyone in PantherHub can see the event!
  9. When you are ready to submit the article, click “Create Article”.

A cool thing about news posts is that these posts automatically show up on the MyPCC Student Guide tab!

Uploading to Your Club Gallery

  1. Log in to PantherHub.
  2. Go to your club page.
  3. Choose “Manage Organization” in the top right corner of your webpage.
  4. Click on the hamburger icon in the top left corner.
  5. Choose the “Gallery” option when options on the left side of your screen appear.
  6. Click “Create Album”.
  7. Once you create the album, you can upload images to your gallery by clicking “edit album”.

Editing Your Club’s “About” Section

  1. Log in to PantherHub.
  2. Go to your club page.
  3. Choose “Manage Organization” in the top right corner of your webpage.
  4. Click on the hamburger icon in the top left corner.
  5. Choose the “About” option when options on the left side of your screen appear.
  6. Edit/update whatever you want to in this section. Once you are done editing, click “Update” at the bottom of the screen.

Using Forms and Collecting Feedback

  1. Log in to PantherHub.
  2. Go to your club page.
  3. Choose “Manage Organization” in the top right corner of your webpage.
  4. Click on the hamburger icon in the top left corner.
  5. Choose the “Forms” option when options on the left side of your screen appear.
  6. Click on the three dots on the right side of your screen: There are many options for customizing your form, so we suggest meeting with the Assistant Student Leadership Coordinator when creating your first form!

PantherHub Technical Support

If you are struggling with PantherHub, you are always welcome to reach out to the Assistant Student Leadership Coordinators. You can also connect with PantherHub support! Here’s how to do that:

  1. Log in to PantherHub.
  2. Stay on the PantherHub home page, but scroll all the way to the bottom.
  3. Click on “support”.

A new webpage will show up and give you options to contact, chat, or call PantherHub support. Please note: the support is with Engage, which is the larger company that supports our PantherHub pages.