Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon Portland Community College

Class information

PSY215 Human Development

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  • CRN: 25299
  • Credits: 4
  • Locations, days, times, and instructors:

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Details about this class

Thanks for clicking through :). Hi! Psychology is such a dynamic field of study, and one of the things I enjoy most about teaching it is helping students understand how psychology may apply in their everyday lives and/or how they may connect with it as a potential career field if they are interested. If you want to know a little more about me, check out my PCC webpage. I want you to know I understand that education has been a learning curve for all of us over the last few years, and my approach is to actively partner with students in being successful in their studies but also to support them in navigating college and learning in general.

The PCC schedule can be confusing! So here are the details:
We will meet in person on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1 pm to 2:50 pm at the
 PCC Hillsboro Center. 12-1 pm may be a popular time for classes, so if you plan to drive to HC, give yourself plenty of time to get there and find parking. Awesome news, parking is free. See the details on the HC webpage!

For a complete overview of what we cover in the course, please look at the Course Content and Outcomes Guide for PSY 215 for more details beyond the course description. 

With so many ways to take classes these days, one of the key factors to success in your college courses is to sign up for courses that will support your success. This approach may mean giving up the convenience of a remote course because you need the in-person connection to the class to keep up with homework. If you are considering an entirely in-person class, can you make it to your class meetings on time 90% of the time? This fully in-person course is designed around students attending each class meeting, so attendance is a required part of this class. It can be a tough decision, but if you cannot make it to 90% of the class meetings, it may be helpful to look for a class that better suits the needs of your schedule. Other courses in the psychology department include fully remote classes (meets using Zoom), fully online classes, and combinations of in-person and online or remote and online courses.

Please let me know if you have any questions by emailing me at rstone@pcc.edu. Please note that over the spring break, replies will likely take longer. 


We will be using D2L Brightspace to submit assignments and it will also include support materials for the course. If you have trouble accessing technology or a connection for the courses, please consider reviewing this resource for Emergency grants

No show policy

Your instructor can mark you as a "no show" if you do not participate in your class during the first week. This will remove you from the class.

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities should notify their instructor if accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities taking Online based classes please visit the Disability Services website.