Greg Kaminski

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More about Greg Kaminski

Greg Kaminski

Online Learning: online course design consultant, coordinator of Online Faculty Mentors, Quality Matters facilitator, interactive teaching practices enthusiast.

Articles (7):

Coach offering help Warm Demander Pedagogy 14
Greg Kaminski discusses approaches to being a warm demanded in your class. Posted February 14, 2022
group of people at sunset Oregon Distance Learning Completion Conference
I know, just what you need, another professional development opportunity, right? I understand, it’s the end of the year and […] Posted May 3, 2021
picture of cat with head on a laptop Creating presence in your online course
Recommendation for an upcoming workshop on creating presence in online classes. Posted April 19, 2021
Megan Savage Fostering Community During Crisis 2
In part 2, Megan shares guiding principles for learning during a crisis along with a key strategy for connecting with students at the beginning of a term. Posted November 23, 2020
Image of dog at a computer Creating Connection via Zoom: Better Breakout Rooms 8
English faculty Megan Savage shares a few techniques to improve connection in remote instruction using breakout groups. Don't miss this one. Posted November 10, 2020
Screenshot of VoiceThread logo Humanize your course discussions with VoiceThread
Greg Kaminski shares information on using VoiceThread to humanize your online courses. Posted May 20, 2020
hybrid graphic showing concentric circles for online, classroom and hybrid What’s up with hybrids at PCC? 7
Greg and Paul share an update on the status of hybrid courses at PCC in March 2020. Posted March 9, 2020