
Online Learning provides leadership and support for online, remote, hybrid (and f2f) learning and the use of technology to enhance learning at Portland Community College. These resources are intended for use by faculty, staff, and administrators involved in the delivery and support of online learning at the College.  We are engaged in work across a variety of areas of focus including:

  • Teaching and learning with technology
  • Infrastructure operations for learning technology systems
  • Adoption, production, and use of rich media
  • Accessibility for online instruction
  • Faculty development
  • Online student services
  • Technical support for faculty and students

We are committed to continuous improvement of high-quality learning, student success and completion, expanding access to higher education, and effective and innovative use of technologies and instructional practices.

Department staff

Online Learning is part of Academic Affairs and is supported by staff in both Online Learning and Learning Technologies & Innovation. For a complete list of our staff, see Instructional Support Contacts.

The Online Learning and Learning Technology & Innovation teams at the winter/spring retreat squinting at the uncharacteristic sun. It's a big, awesome group.