This content was published: January 24, 2020. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

2020 Scholarship Application

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The 2020 PCC Foundation Scholarship application is open! All students who will be attending PCC during the 2020-2021 school year can apply to receive free scholarship aid. Applications are due on March 1, 2020 at 11:59 pm for scholarship funds that will be available Summer 2020.

We know that most online students can’t come to a campus to attend a scholarship workshop. To help get scholarship information to our online learners, we put together a detailed video with staff from the PCC Foundation. The video covers subjects like how to fill out the application, write your essays, and request your references.

If you are looking for specific information about the application process, follow the links below to jump into a particular topic.

  1. Introduction to PCC Foundation Scholarships
  2. Scholarships and Financial Aid
  3. Applying for PCC Scholarships
    1. Step 1: College Admissions
    2. Step 2: Scholarship Application
    3. Step 3: FAFSA or Financial Worksheet
    4. Step 4: References
    5. Step 5: Essays
    6. Step 6: Optional Requirements
  4. Writing Scholarship Essays

If you still need more scholarship information after watching this video, you can check out the online Scholarship Application Guide.

About Morgan Freking

I am the Online Student Support and Engagement Coordinator in the Online Learning department at Portland Community College. In this role, I support students who are studying fully online on their way to achieving their academic goals. I enj... more »