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January 2023 Highlights

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D2L Brightspace updates for January 2023 were installed January 26, 2023.

This month’s updates for D2L Brightspace Include:

  • Rubrics – Discard incomplete evaluations | Updated
  • Rubrics – Statistics icon moved to allow more space to grade tasks | Updated
  • Release Conditions – Additional Replies Only release condition for Discussions | Updated

Rubrics – Discard incomplete evaluations | Updated

The Rubric evaluation workflow provides an autosave feature to streamline the evaluation process; however, if an instructor exited the partial evaluation, the automatically saved parts of the assessment were committed to the rubric and visible to the learner.

To provide a better experience in Consistent Evaluation (inline and pop-out views), the instructor has the option to Publish the current evaluation, or to Save Draft. If the instructor chooses to Save Draft, the current evaluation is saved for later completion and publication.

During the evaluation process, any changes to the evaluation are automatically saved to a temporary file so that partial evaluations are not mistakenly released to learners. Those temporary file changes are permanently saved when the instructor clicks Publish or Save Draft. When the instructor clicks Publish, the assessment feedback is released to learners.

If an instructor clicks Return to user submissions or Return to submissions, a verification dialog appears to ensure you want to discard the incomplete evaluation. From that dialog, the instructor can save the draft, discard the draft, or close the dialog box and return to the partial evaluation. If an instructor edits a previously published evaluation and then decides to cancel before updating, all the changes in the evaluation, including the rubric evaluation changes, are discarded.

The Discard button on an in-process evaluation. The Saving and Saved indicators no longer appear at the top of the evaluation window

Figure: The Publish and Save Draft buttons on an in-process evaluation. The Saving and Saved indicators no longer appear at the top of the evaluation window.

Rubrics – Statistics icon moved to allow more space to grade tasks | Updated

The Rubrics Statistics icon is available when the rubric tile is collapsed and expanded.

When the rubric tile is collapsed, the icon appears at the bottom of the rubric tile. When the rubric is expanded, the icon now appears inside the grading task. This change provides expanded horizontal space for evaluators to complete the grading tasks.

Previously, when the icon appeared outside the expanded rubric tile, the space available to grade tasks was limited by the space used by the icon.

This change provides parity between the legacy evaluation experience and the new Consistent Evaluation experience.

Now, the Rubrics Statistics icon appears at the bottom of the collapsed Rubric tile.

Figure: The Rubrics Statistic icon appears at the bottom of the collapsed Rubrics tile.

The Rubrics Statistics icon inside the expanded Rubrics tile.

Figure: The Rubrics Statistics icon also appears inside the expanded Rubrics tile.

Release Conditions – Additional Replies Only release condition for Discussions | Updated

This release alters the existing release conditions for Discussions by adding a new Replies Only option to the Posts authored in topic and No post authored in topic condition types drop-down menus. This helps instructors release material, or not release material, based solely on replies.

Previously the only options were New Threads Only and Threads and Replies.

The Release Condition dialog with the new Replies Only option selected from the Type drop-down menu.

Figure: The Create a Release Condition dialog with the new Replies Only option selected from the Type drop-down menu.

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