Karen Kane
Contact info: karen.kane15@pcc.edu
More about Karen Kane
Karen Kane
Articles (36):
Sylvania’s new storm water mitigation system passes first big test
- The new large storm water mitigation structure near Parking Lot 5, on the south side of campus, handled a massive rainstorm runoff that occurred last month, moving thousands of gallons of water through the three-tiered system Posted November 17, 2015
PCC presents U.S. premiere of Dark Horse Comics’ ‘Usagi Yojimbo’ by Stan Sakai 2
- Portland Community College’s Theatre Arts Program is presenting the North American premiere of a favorite son Posted October 29, 2015
Gaming marathon gives students chance to learn, raise money
- November 7 is Game Day at the Sylvania Campus! Though there may not be uniforms, and tailgate parties could take a different twist, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. students, faculty and staff will be in play for the 2015 Extra Life Gaming Marathon Posted October 26, 2015
Cool dragon time capsule on display in Sylvania’s College Center
- A time capsule that was created as part of PCC's 50th anniversary celebration in 2012 is now on permanent display in the College Center Posted October 15, 2015
North View Gallery exhibit ‘The Far North: Portrait of the Arctic’ on view through Nov. 7
- Sylvania's North View Gallery this month is featuring the work of visual artist Larry Cwik Posted October 13, 2015
Graphic Design students bring life to ‘Big and Awesome Bridges’ book
- PCC's Graphic Design students brought the book to life with their drawings, infographics, page designs and color choices Posted October 8, 2015
Teens put through build-a-boat program, launch craft in Sylvania pool
- The program was a partnership between PCC, the Wind and Oar Boat School and iUrban Teen Posted August 27, 2015
Sylvania Campus sees much ‘oli’oli (fun) in summer cultural luau
- “We are blessed to have such a large Pacific Islander community in our region. Their participation in the Luau is critical to making it an authentic event.” Posted July 30, 2015
PCC Foundation showcases all-girls machine shop, robotics camps 1
- Highlighting girl power and the exponential growth of the new maker movement, the PCC Foundation hosted supporters and sponsors of all things STEAM for girls Posted July 22, 2015
Student awarded Newberg Rotary youth leadership scholarship 1
- Portland Community College Newberg Center student and Newberg High School graduate Bethany Quist was selected by the Newberg Rotary to attend this summer’s Youth Leadership Award seminar Posted July 17, 2015