This content was published: June 25, 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Garden Gossip, June 25

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In this article: Community User Bed Update, Summer Volunteer Schedule, Donation List, Learning Garden Potlucks!

Community User Bed Update: ​

Harvest your greens! By cutting back your lettuce 2 inches above the soil, you encourage tasty young leaves to grow and prolong the harvest season by keeping the plant from bolting (aka going to seed)

Harvest Greens

Pull onions and pinch basil! For those of you gorwing onions, you can harvest them at any time but it is best to pull them once the tops flop over. At this point the onions are full-sized. Also, by pinching off the tops of basil (where the flowers come) you can encourage the growth of more tasty leaves!

Harvest onion

Summer Volunteer Schedule:

The summer is here and the garden is going off! Check the schedule below to see when you can come out and work with our fabulous garden family. The shaded areas reflect times when a garden lead will be there to supervise you. Remember to wear closed-toed shoes and bring your water bottle!

Summer Volunteer Schedule_2014

Donation Wish List:

  • old clipboards
  • sharpies of all colors but especially black
  • used (but rinsed) berry containers
  • pint and quart sized mason jars (wide mouth tops)
  • large glass pitcher (for sun tea!)
  • oven thermometer
  • pizza wheel cutter

If you have any of these items, please feel free to drop them off at the Learning Garden tool shed or at the Sustainability Office in Bldg 9 Room 117. Thank you!!

Learning Garden Potlucks!

Mark your calendars for July 3rd, July 7th, and July 18th from 12:00 – 12:30pm!

The Learning Garden has a snazzy new patio and we need some sweet potluck action to break it in a bit. The Learning Garden will provide some food and the ice water. Bring your own utensils and a dish or beverage to share!
