This content was published: December 19, 2013. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Garden Gossip, November 6

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In this article:

Community Bed User Update, Harvest Haiku by Jeffery.

Community Bed User Update:

Carrots and lettuce
Hello! In this friendly update I would like to share two pieces of information in regards to the renewal and maintenance of your bed.

The year is coming to a close and as you clean out your dead plants, many of you may be wondering, “So, am I going to get to this bed next year?” The answer is probably yes, unless you are a student group or department who ignores our correspondence and forgets to turn in the renewal application which will be up coming winter term. I hope this puts you at eas
e and feel free to continue using your bed. If you have any questions please to write back.

Also, to those who have already done so, thank you for cleaning your beds! In preparation for winter we ask that you also cover your beds with leaves by November 20. The leaves will protect the soil from being compacted during rainstorms, prevent weed growth, and also return nutrients to the soil. But where do I get leaves? Well, the kind folks in Grounds have already collected them and made a nice big pile just south of the beds between the wood chips and compost. So no excuses! Get out there and throw some leaves around, it’s great fun!

Pile of leaves

Harvest Haiku by Jeffery:

Harvestbox Diarama

Amongst the sullen,
bountiful harvest smiles,
corrupting my frown.

Monday morning greens,
not a case of the mondays.
Just happy produce.

With lettuce dancing,
and little broccoli blooming,
Let’s have a great week!

Be Lost in the Leaves

A gift from the trees,
when the air becomes chilly,
leaves fall to the ground.

Put them in your bed,
Protect the soil from rain,
Return nutrients.

It is not a chore,
but a welcome chance to play,
and become a child.

Thanks for reading Garden Gossip:

You may now consider yourself “in the know.” Feel free to spread the gossip and write back if you have any comments or questions!