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PCC’s 2021 Climate Action Plan Featured in Second Nature’s Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility and Justice Toolkit

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Second Nature released a diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility and justice (DEIJA) toolkit, a working paper about Higher Education’s Role in Advancing Climate Justice including best practices and case studies for integrating DEIAJ principles into climate action planning. This case study features some of the work we’re doing at PCC along with that of our colleagues Truckee Meadows Community College, The University of British Columbia and the University of California System amongst others. In addition, Second Nature has added a number of case studies from colleges, universities, and cities that incorporated diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) principles into their climate action planning processes and plans to their website including one on PCC. More information on PCC’s 2021 Climate Action Plan can be found on our website including detailed information about PCC’s approach to equity in climate action planning and our use of a Climate Action Equity Guide for developing our Climate Action Plan.