This content was published: April 25, 2006. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Gerontology program celebrates older students

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The Gerontology program and its student initiative Wisdom Keepers held the second annual Careers in Aging Week Reception at the Sylvania Campus on April 20. The event was sponsored by the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education. It was designed to introduce students and the community to the wide-ranging career opportunities that exist in aging and support career development in gerontology.

Leading the event was Jan Abushakrah, sociology instructor, and PCC District President Preston Pulliams. Paul Hill, interim Sylvania Campus president, accepted a certificate of appreciation for his work in helping the program succeed. Also, there were remarks by Karen Shimada, director of the Oregon Healthcare Foundation, Joyce DeMonnin of AARP Oregon, and Judith Anderson, graduating student and founder of the Wisdom Keepers. There were more than 20 students who were honored with gerontology degrees and certificates.

The gerontology program, along with the Wisdom Keepers, help tackle education for older adults. One out every six credit students is 40 or older. Oregon will be the fourth oldest state, with one out of four people being 65 or older by 2025. Through a college taskforce, PCC is examining how the college can play a leading role in developing strategies for workforce development.

Wisdom Keepers advocates for and supports older adult learners at PCC. It has students at all three comprehensive campuses and the Southeast Center, providing tutoring and mentoring.District President Preston Pulliams enjoys a moment with sociology instructor Jan Abushakrah.

Before the reception, the college hosted a video conference on gerontology that linked PCC with Blue Mountain and Chemeketa community colleges, two partner colleges whose students can earn a certificate or degree through an online option. Columbia Gorge Community College is also a partner and will host an event in the near future.

During the videoconference, students learned about PCC’s Gerontology program, emerging careers in the field and opportunities to further their education.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »