This content was published: January 8, 1997. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Student Service Building: An Architectural Tour de Force at PCC Cascade Campus

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PCC has made a solid commitment to the urban north-northeast community with investments of over $10 million in the last five years, including the new Student Services Building, a new library, classrooms, a remodeled cafeteria and purchase and renovation of the Fragmeier Building on Killingsworth and Albina for PCC’s Skill Center. The administrative arm of the campus also operates the Steps To Success program on North Emerson, a job training partnership for welfare recipients. The college was recently involved in the training of hundreds of inner-city residents for jobs in the semiconductor industry at Wacker Siltronic’s new high-tech "clean room" at Benson High School.

What: PCC students, staff and the community celebrate the new Student Services Building.

Where: Cascade Campus, Student Services Building, 705 N. Killingsworth.

When: Thursday, Jan. 16. Associated Students of PCC host tours of the building from noon to 2 p.m. A marimba band will be playing in the building’s atrium. The official dedication ceremony is planned for 4:30 p.m.

Who: Speakers include Cascade Campus Executive Dean Mildred Ollee as emcee, PCC President Dan Moriarty, student body president Robert Wright, architect Mike Smith. Tracy Harris, a local recording artist will sing; Rich Jewett is on piano.

Description: The three-story, $4.5 million, 34,000-square-feet building was designed by Mahlum and Nordfors, Smith Gordon. Located on the northwest side of the campus between Albina and Borthwick streets, the building is slightly "L" shaped with the exterior a combination of paved walkways, benches and landscaped areas for students to gather. The interior features informal student spaces, natural light, a palette of earth tones and cherry wood. The entry is an arcade style with a vaulted ceiling. A 65-foot tower, illuminated at night and the tallest point on campus, marks the pedestrian entrance. Buff-colored bricks form the facade. The courtyard sculpture is made of African granite with glass inserts.

Services: First floor: admissions, registration, business office, financial aid, counseling, advising, transfer student center, career center. Second floor: two classrooms, two computer labs, tutoring center, testing and assessment, conference room. Third floor: district human resources and affirmative actions offices.