Speed Culturing

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Speed Culturing contact: Cameron Bynum, cameron.bynum@pcc.edu

What is Speed Culturing?

It is the chance for your students to collaborate with an ESOL class at your campus to gain a global perspective on your course content in only one hour!

How does it work?

There are two models, one for a CTE discipline and another for a Non-CTE discipline.

Model 1 (Non-CTE discipline)

Your class will meet up with a (higher-level) ESOL class and have a series of one-on-one discussions with students representing a variety of countries and cultures. Instructors provide the discussion questions. Much like the format of “speed dating”, students from both classes will have the chance to ask these questions of several students (switching partners every 6-10 minutes).

speed culturingspeed culturingspeed culturing

You may want to read this article on the speed culturing experience.

Model 2 (CTE discipline)

ESOL students visit the lab/equipment/work area of a CTE discipline and have a tour of the lab/work area/equipment space while interacting with the CTE students. Instructors provide context and discussion questions prior to the lab visit. After the lab/field visit, students from both classes will have a chance to ask questions of several students (switching partners every 6-10 minutes) much like the format of “speed dating”.

speed culturing cte

Examples at PCC:

  1. Think Big (CTE program) students at Rock Creek campus
  2. Engineering (CTE program) students at Sylvania campus


Your students get a chance to talk with peers from all over the world while learning about your course content. The ESOL students get a chance to connect with non-ESOL students at PCC and practice speaking in English. It is a win-win experience for both classes.


This activity takes about an hour and can be done at any point in the term. Week 7 or 8 of the term works really well as both classes have settled by then. Speed Culturing happens during their regular class time only. ESOL classes and other classes that meet on the same day/time are matched.


Internationalization Committee will book a room large enough to accommodate both classes for the Speed Culturing activity.


The Chair of Internationalization Initiatives will work with you and help with the planning and logistics. There is even an online form to make the process easier!

In the past, several faculty from multiple disciplines have collaborated with ESOL faculty at their campus to bring a positive cultural experience to their students via “Speed Culturing”. We hope you will consider providing this learning opportunity to your students to enrich their experience of global diversity and cultural awareness right here within PCC.