Professional Development Funding

If you are in a Perkins-eligible CTE program, please apply for Perkins Grant Funding.

Culture Transformation and Development Grants

Career Growth Grants

Career Growth Grants provide funds for eligible staff to participate in conferences, workshops, coursework, or other activities that develop or renew their professional skills.

This is an opportunity for PCC staff to enhance their competencies and support their main role at PCC or their committee participation. Opportunities may include maintenance of certification or licensure and upgrading skills which may occur through a wide range of activities to keep pace with changing technology/knowledge in the discipline and should align with any professional development plan that staff have in place.

Maximum Award: $800.00

Application Deadline: Rolling application, awarded monthly on the last business day of the month.

Apply for Career Growth Grant »

Culture and Belonging Grants

Culture and Belonging Grants provide funds for eligible staff to secure additional education, training, or experience that will encourage understanding and learning, invest in relationship-building across differences, and offer new ways to promote anti-oppression beliefs and behaviors.

This is an opportunity for staff to deepen their Belonging, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (B-JEDI) practice and support the transformation of PCC’s workplace into a more inclusive culture where everyone in our community feels connected, and has the opportunity to thrive.

The Culture Transformation and Development department understands a culture of belonging to be one where all faculty and staff feel regularly acknowledged, inspired, engaged, and supported by each other and the college.

Grant activities should cultivate one’s competencies in; intercultural communication, anti-racism, anti-oppression, bridging, and culturally responsive practices that support students and each other.

Opportunities May Include:
  • Inclusive community projects that are focused on deepening B-JEDI knowledge and practice.
  • Facilitated event for a team/department that is focused on deepening B-JEDI knowledge and practice.
  • Speaker or panel discussion for team/department that is focused on deepening B-JEDI knowledge and practice.
  • Workshops, webinars, seminars, and conferences that are focused on deepening one’s B-JEDI knowledge and practice.

Maximum Award: $1,000.00

Application Deadline: Rolling application, awarded monthly on the last business day of the month.

Apply for Culture and Belonging Grant »

Additional Opportunities for Funding

Instructional Improvement Project (TIIP) Funding

Funds for curriculum development are available for new course development and for curricular improvement and innovation. TIIP is a faculty-led initiative providing a forum to share ideas and innovative approaches to curriculum design and delivery at PCC. Eligible applicants are faculty, AP, counselors and librarians.

Community-Based Learning Mini-Grants

The purpose of CBL Implementation Mini Grants are to provide active support and recognition to PCC faculty seeking to incorporate research based best practices and pedagogical approaches; social justice; and equity in the implementation of their course’s community-based learning component.

NIEA Faculty Mini-Grant

The purpose of the mini-grants is to encourage faculty in member schools to internationalize their curriculum. The grants are intended to assist faculty in designing new courses, making comprehensive revisions to existing courses, or adding modules to existing courses.

PCC Internationalization Mini-Grants

The Internationalization Steering Committee offers mini-grants on an annual basis for faculty to add an International component to their course. For details, please see PCC mini-grants or contact Ron Bekey, Chair, Internationalization Steering Committee at for more details.

Eco Social Justice Grant

This fund exists so that students, staff, and faculty can participate in our culture of innovation and contribute meaningful advances to sustainable practices.

Tuition Benefits

Eligible PCC employees qualify for the tuition waiver and tuition reimbursement benefits. Explore PCC Credit and Non-Credit Classes!