Using the Classlist in D2L Brightspace

Students can use the classlist in D2L Brightspace to view who is enrolled in the class, send an email to fellow students or their instructor, and view online status for class members.

Accessing the Classlist

You can get to the classlist from inside any D2L Brightspace course you’re enrolled in by doing the following:

  1. Click on Course Info in the navbar.
  2. Click on Classlist.

A screenshot depicting using the navbar in D2L Brightspace to access the classlist.

Using the classlist to see who is online

Any class member who is currently online will have a green circle next to their name.

A screenshot depicting two members in the D2L Brightspace classlist. One member has a small green circle next to their entry, which indicates that they are online.

Using the classlist to send an email

You can send an email directly from the classlist, which is a great way to contact your instructor.

  1. Click the downward facing arrow to the right of the class member’s name.
  2. From the menu that appears, click Send Email.

Screenshot depicting the menu available by clicking the downward facing arrow next to an entry in the classlist. The highlighted option in the menu is "Send Email."