Step 4: Begin working

student working with childrenNow that you’ve accepted the job, here’s what you need to do to get paid and do a great job.

  1. Track your hours

    Track your hours using the Work Study Balance Sheet. You must monitor how many hours you’ve worked in order to not work more than you have been awarded. The amount of money you can earn each term is shown on your financial aid award letter.

  2. Submit your timesheet

    Work with your supervisor to complete your electronic or paper timesheet. If you need help completing the electronic timesheet, see Instructions for Student Web Time Entry.

  3. Communicate with supervisor

    In order to do a good job, it’s crucial that you communicate with your employer. Your supervisor can become an excellent reference, so you’ll want to be sure to build a good relationship with them. Here’s how:

    • Be on time: call in if you can’t be at work as scheduled.
    • Perform job duties: if you’re not sure what is expected of you, ask your supervisor!
    • Discuss changes to award: if there are changes to your work study award, tell your supervisor. We’ll explain how to keep your work study funds in Step 5: Keep your position.

Need help?

Money in walletIf you need help with tracking your hours, submitting your timesheet, or help with your job performance, you need to communicate with your supervisor. Your supervisor is your main contact for questions about your work study job.

To make the most of you work study paychecks, read the Student’s Guide to Money. The number one reason college students give for dropping out of school is a lack of money – don’t let this happen to you! Successful budgeting and saving practices can keep you from running out of money mid-term.