This content was published: March 30, 2018. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Spring eCycling in the Sylvania Library with Hard Drive Smashing Events during Earth Week (April 17th and 18th)

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Are you finally getting around to your spring cleaning and don’t know what to do with your
outdated, no longer functioning computer hardware? Bring them to the Sylvania library! There
are eCycle bins waiting for you under the stairs on the first floor!

Finally, take revenge on your hard drive. Smash it.

Worried that your identity will be in jeopardy if you eCycle? Come to the Upper CC Mall from 11 am – 12:30 pm on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 17th and 18th to have your hard drive smashed!

Students from our CAS and CIS classes will disassemble your computer and smash your hard drive using machines developed by PCC Sylvania Engineering students! A large hole will be bored through the hard drives. Come join the excitement! After the event, all computer hardware will be responsibly recycled.

For more information, contact Diane Shingledecker (

Experience Community-Based Learning at PCC

Courses with community-based learning (CBL) provide students with the opportunity to: explore local, national, and/or global issues; broaden their perspectives and enhance critical thinking skills; and become active citizens through community engagement. There are numerous courses that have CBL projects every term!