Textbook rentals

How to rent textbooks

Follow the same steps as you would for buying a textbook. When viewing your book, rental options will show when available.

Textbook Rental Agreement Spring 2024

  • Spring 2024 textbook rentals are due June 14, 2024.
  • If you are unable to return your textbook rentals in person at any of the PCC Bookstore locations, please ship your rental returns directly to: PCC Sylvania Bookstore, 12000 SW 49 th Ave, Portland, OR 97219.
Terms and conditions
  1. I am 18 years of age and a current student at Portland Community College.
  2. I understand that the PCC Bookstore return policy will apply to rental items. Opt-Out: If I want or need to change my rental into a purchase, I can pay the difference. I must come in before the due date to ask for this. I must bring in the book showing the sticker with the receipt information, and bring my PCC ID.
  3. I acknowledge that the book, whether new or used, is in good condition.
  4. I understand that I am responsible for risk of loss from any cause, including theft, lost item, or return in unsalable condition, such as damage caused by liquids (rain, snow, coffee, juice, etc.), fire (scorched), chemical spills, tooth marks (rodent, pets, etc.), missing component parts, and spine damage.
  5. I will return the book in good salable condition as determined by the PCC Bookstore. All CD’s and other components included with book, must be present and in salable condition as determined by the store upon return. Limited highlighting and writing is acceptable.
  6. I will return the book to the PCC Bookstore no later than the rental return due date of Friday June 14th, 2024.
  7. If I ship the book back, it must be received at the PCC Bookstore no later than the due date June 14th, 2024. Shipping is paid by the student.
  8. By completing this transaction, I authorize the PCC Bookstore to charge a replacement fee to the credit card on file for any non-returned rentals. I will not contest a legitimate charge from the PCC Bookstore.