We need you! Provide feedback on PCC’s Comprehensive Transition Plan

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Accessibility = Engagement + Accountability is the formula we will use to achieve our goal of promoting full participation of people with disabilities. Our strategies include engagement with our community via our accessibility committees and accountability through our transition plan.
PCC’s Transition Plan team has developed draft priorities for PCC’s first Comprehensive Transition Plan and we would like your feedback!

What is the Comprehensive Transition Plan?

The Comprehensive Transition Plan project began as part of PCC’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. The purpose of the Plan is to establish a long-term plan to address accessibility barriers to ensure greater accessibility for our students, faculty, staff, and visitors. The project will assess and enhance all college spaces, both physical and virtual, to increase the number of welcoming and healthy spaces that are designed as flexible and accessible, and prioritize technological and educational systems that are interchangeable and easily updated and modified.

Review the draft priorities and provide feedback

The development of the Comprehensive Transition Plan and its priorities is a community effort. In the development of the plan, we aspire to embody the values of the slogan, “Nothing About Us Without Us,” first used by the disability rights movement in the 1990s. The slogan is a call for people with disabilities to be involved in the decisions that affect their lives. It is a reminder that people with disabilities have the right to be treated with dignity and respect and that they should have a voice in all matters that affect them.

In addition to reviewing the draft priorities and submitting feedback, we encourage you to check out additional opportunities to participate in virtual forums or meetings.

Review the draft priorities

Attend a community engagement event

question circle Questions about the Plan? Contact the ADA/504 Compliance Manager, Jennifer Gossett