CEU3578 Leadership Skills for Supervisors

Campus contacts

You have the power to turn on or turn off the productivity of the people who report to you. This course will give you the skills in communication, coaching, and conflict that you need to be successful.

Credits: 0 CEU

List of classes for CEU3578 Leadership Skills for Supervisors
CRNClass typeLocationDays & timeDatesSeats availableMore info
14326CanceledNot applicable
from 9am to 12:50pm
January 30, 2025Not applicableInstructor: Carolyn L Waterfall
Tuition: $189 Fees: $0
Notes: 0.4 CEUs

Class schedule definitions

Write down the CRNs (ex. 22398) of your selected classes to register.
Class types:
see more about class types
  • In-person: classes take place at specific times and locations. Attendance in person is required.
  • Online: classes do not have meeting times. Regular online interaction is required and there are weekly assignments.
  • Remote: classes take place at specific times online. Students must be logged in during class meeting times.
  • In-person and remote: classes meet both in-person and remotely. Attendance at both is required.
  • In-person and online: classes meet in-person with additional online activities required.
  • Remote and online: classes meet remotely with additional online activities required.