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Class information

STAT243 Stats I (MTH/STAT243=STAT243Z)

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  • CRN: 24803
  • Credits: 4
  • Locations, days, times, and instructors:
    • Online, Available 24/7
      From April 1 through June 15, 2024, Henry A Mesa

Class materials


No textbooks required

Open educational resources (OER)

The following free or inexpensive materials are used for this class:

Details about this class


Q: Are there proctored exams?

A: Yes, there are two of them.  All math courses, irrelevant of modality, are required to have two proctored exams. My exams occur during the fifth week or sixth week sometime and finals week.  See next question for more information.


Q: Where are the exam proctored?

A: Virtually Proctored Exams: Proctored exams are one of many assessment tools used in MTH to assess student learning. Our class will be participating in Virtual Proctoring that is being run in collaboration with Math, Online Learning, and the Testing Center. The exams in this class will be proctored virtually (you are at home or where you have access to an internet connection) in Zoom with me, your instructor, on the following dates and times:


Exam Dates

  • Midterm will take place on Saturday, May 11th, 9am to 12pm.  It opens up at 9am where we will check in students to make sure requirements are met.
  • Final Exam will take place on Thursday June 13th, 5:30pm to 9pm.  It opens up at 5:30pm where we will check in students to make sure requirements are met.

Virtually proctored exams require:

1) a modern computer (desktop or laptop) with a supported operating system (Windows or Mac),

2) a broadband internet provider or mobile carrier with LTE or better service,

3) a microphone,

4) a detachable webcam or mobile device (such as a smartphone, tablet, etc.), and 5) a quiet, isolated, well-lit location.

Here is a link to the exact process and requirements, please read it carefully.

If you do not meet the requirements listed above, prefer to take your exams in-person, and/or have an unavoidable scheduling conflict, please contact me as soon as possible; with adequate notice,  alternative testing arrangements can be made at a testing center. Scheduling appointments with a testing center is the responsibility of the student, as well as paying any associated fees with using a non-PCC testing center. 

If you have accommodations through Accessible Ed & Disability Resources, please contact me so we can discuss your specific accommodations. 

If you have any questions or concerns about virtually proctored exams, please feel free to contact me.

*Virtual proctoring means having your exam proctored by an approved proctor on Zoom on a specific day and time. 

**In-person proctoring means having your exam proctored by an approved proctor at an in-person testing facility on a specific day and time.

Q: I can't make those exam times what can I do?

A: The PCC testing center will be able to assist those students that can't make the exam when I am hosting, or do not wish to have the exam proctored virtually. What will occur is that you will contact the testing center, let them know you are part of the Virtual Proctoring pilot, inform them of the modality you wish to partake in (virtual or in person) and make the appointment with them.  Then inform me of the time and day of your appointment.

Q: I don't live in Portland, what can be done about the proctored exams if I miss the proctored time and date, and I don't want to test in a virtual environment?

A: You will need to find a local community college, college, university near you that proctor's exams.  There are documents outlining what you need to do, contact me and I will send them to you.  Note that facilities that proctor charge a fee that you will be responsible for.  Typically the fee can range from $20 to $50. I will need to approve the testing facility you choose.


Q: How much time should I reserve each week for this class?

A: This is a four credit course, so if we used general guidelines this is about 12 hours per week at a minimum (3 hours per credit per week).  Since this is a technical course, depending on your back ground, it may take a bit more time.  My guess it will be more like 15 to 17 hours per week.

Cliff Notes Advice


Q: What is the best approach for this class?

A: I would treat this as a two day a week course.  Twice a week, pretend you are attending a class, and budget about three hours.  Between "classes" attempt some homework as you would a regular class.  Then finish up as time allows.  Basically break up the exposure to the material.


Q: I am planning on just doing all my studying over the weekend.  What do you think?

A: This is not ideal as it puts too much pressure on yourself to understand the material in a short amount of time.  In some subjects this may work.  When it comes to technical material, where you are expected to do things with what you learned it allows for little room for error.  Learning takes time.  College is not a natural learning environment as things must be learned quickly, trying to do it in a shorter amount of time only compounds the situation.


Q: I want to read ahead, what do you recommend?

A: I think reading ahead, watching conceptual videos is a wonderful idea.  We will cover chapters 1 through 5 from the mentioned online textbook- Advance High School Statistics.  I would also recommend the online video series, Against All Odds: Inside Statistics, as a nice primer without getting bogged down on too many details, yet detailed enough conceptually.


Calculator - you don't need a specific calculator just some calculating device.  Statistics uses very specific functions which you can do using free software.


No show policy

Your instructor can mark you as a "no show" if you do not participate in your class during the first week. This will remove you from the class. It is important to log in as soon as the class starts to see what the participation requirements are.

Online & Remote Teaching Technical Requirements

Please be sure to read the quick guide to Online Learning technical requirements.

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities should notify their instructor if accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities taking Online based classes please visit the Disability Services website.

Online Prerequisite | Start Guide for Online Learning

Before you take your first online class at PCC, you must complete the start guide for online learning. The start guide will help you decide if online classes are right for you. Once you complete the start guide, you will be eligible to register for online classes.

The Start Guide is not required for Remote classes but strongly recommended.