Adding a librarian to a D2L Brightspace course

Learn how to add a librarian to your D2L Brightspace course for the purposes of allowing the librarian to interact with your students and assist them with class assignments.

  • Who is this for: Online Instructors
  • What is required: A D2L Brightspace class


  1. Inside your D2L Brightspace course, click on Classlist from the navigation bar.
  2. Click on the Add Participants button.
    Add Participants Button
  3. Choose “Add existing users” from the drop down menu.
  4. In the “Search For…” field, type in the full name or username of the librarian who you would like to add and hit the magnifying glass search button.
    Search For Users button
  5. When the librarian’s name appears in the search results at the bottom of the page, click on the checkbox to the left of their entry and then click on the Select a Role dropdown menu on the right side of the entry. Choose the Librarian role from the list of available role types.
    Select a Role dropdown menu
  6. Click the Enroll Selected Users button.

If you have any trouble adding a librarian to your class, contact the Faculty Help Desk for assistance.