Presenter Bios


Alma Eaton

Alma has been part-time faculty at PCC for six years and currently teaches traditional, online and hybrid courses in Exercise Science and Physical Education at PCC.

Session: Using an iPad for instructional purposes (Round Robin)

Andre Temkin

Andre is an Instructional Technology Specialist supporting faculty and staff at Southeast Campus. SE folks call him the “D2L Guy”, but he answers many other technical questions. Andre has worked at PCC for about 15 years and has a strong background in creating audio/video content and educational game design since he worked for multimedia companies in the past. He is always happy to assist faculty and staff with creating and publishing their multimedia content for PCC students.

Session: Recording Engaging Lectures & Presentations (A8), Kaltura Capture Tools (B8), VoiceThread (C8), Open Lab (D8)

Andrea Hills

Andrea is an adjunct writing teacher, and she has been teaching various writing and literature classes at PCC for over 20 years. Her home campus is Cascade, and she jumped into the online teaching world about 6 years ago.

Session: Cross-Campus Collaborative Course Development (B7)

Andy Freed

Andy oversees the online learning ecosystem, faculty & student support, and the online student success team. He loves working with others to find ways that technology can improve learning without excluding learners. Stable technology makes him happy. He also likes camping with family, fishing, soccer, and good beer (which obviously excludes Hazy IPAs).

Session: H5P: Exciting New Tool for Interactive Online Learning (A2), Decoding the Priorities Survey for Online Learners (B3), Small Data: What you can learn using simple analytics? (B3), Understanding Academic Integrity Challenges Across Disciplines (C5)


Barry Dahl (Guest Speaker – D2L)

Barry is the Teaching & Learning Advocate at D2L. He previously worked as an independent contractor and consultant with a focus on e-Learning and educational technology. Prior to that, he served as the Vice President of Technology and Lake Superior Connect e-Campus at Lake Superior College in Duluth, MN, where he was the senior administrator in charge of online learning. As Chief Technology Officer at LSC, he had primary responsibility for the Computer Services department, Web and Information Services, and the e-Campus known as Lake Superior Connect.

Session: Using Brightspace Tools to Increase Student Engagement & Instructor Presence (A1), Ten Bright Ideas to Make BrightSpace More Accessible (C3)

Becca Parker Love

Becca is the Student Conduct and Retention Coordinator for the SY campus. She teaches Social Justice for Social Workers at PSU and she is passionate about using CRT to incorporate CBL in curriculum.

Session: Conduct and Care Processes (A5), CRT and Community-Based Learning (C2)

Blake Hausman

Blake Hausman is an instructor of English, Reading, Writing, and Native American Studies at PCC’s Southeast Campus. He has a PhD from UC Berkeley and an MA from Western Washington University, has published fiction and scholarship on Native American literatures, and regularly teaches American and Native American literatures online for PCC.

Session:Diversification, Not Tokenization (A7)

Bryan Hull

Bryan has taught English, Writing, and International Studies at the college for the last 25 years. About half of that time, he has also taught these subjects on-line for the college — about the time that using video was a possibility in Blackboard.

Session: A Star is Born: Creating Compelling Videos For Your Course (D1)


Casey Twining

Casey has worked in distance learning in both the private and educational sectors, and she loves to combine that knowledge with her marketing experience to help teachers craft their style and presence-whether they are online or on campus-to facilitate enriching experiences for all.

Session: Recording Engaging Lectures & Presentations (A8), Open Lab (D8)

Charisse Loughery

Charisse Loughery is Student Conduct and Retention Coordinator at the Rock Creek campus. Charisse has been at PCC for a little over 3 years. Prior to coming to PCC, Charisse did conduct, academic integrity work and service learning at another institution. Charisse also has experience in teaching first-year experience classes.

Session: Conduct and Care Processes (A5)

Christina Shafer

With 4yrs as a Student Conduct & Retention Coordinator, Christina has folded in her previous work in student retention and success (First Year Experience, Academic coaching, etc) student housing, crisis and threat management, and student behavior in her work at PCC. Christina is finishing up her doctorate in Educational Leadership.

Session: Conduct and Care Processes (A5)


Dan Dougherty

Dan is in his 22nd year of teaching. He is a former TLC co-director and a long time member of the Online Learning Advisory Council. He has been teaching online for about 20 years.

Session: Best Uses of Zoom (D6)

Daphne Wu

Daphne is serving her third year as MSD faculty at SE campus. Throughout her career at PCC, she has been focusing on high quality online instruction, include utilizing available technology and resources to promote student engagement; as well as continuous improvement for her online courses.

Session: Online Course Observations (B6)

Debbie Austin

Debbie has an extreme passion for online teaching and learning and has been working in the online higher education industry for more than 14 years. Debbie earned a DBA in Strategic Leadership from George Fox University, an MBA in IT Management from Western Governors University, and holds the PMP certification.

Session: Connecting with your online students (C2)

Doug Jones

Doug is a Sylvania CS Instructor, Online Faculty Mentor, and Technology Geek

Session: Using Technology to Enhance Instructor Presence (B5), Understanding Academic Integrity Challenges Across Disciplines (C5)


Elizabeth Smith

Liz Smith has taught composition and literature at PCC since 2009. She loves many aspects of working at PCC, especially learning from students, collaborating with colleagues, and sharing ideas related to pedagogical approaches to teaching writing, developing meaningful assessment strategies, and moving toward greater equity in the classroom and institution.

Session: Integrating Research Skills & Info Literacy Instruction into Online Courses (C6)

Ena Rierson

Ena has been teaching health classes at PCC since 1996. In 2002, she began her adventure in creating and teaching online courses. She is currently a Quality Matters Online Course Reviewer and Faculty Mentor for Online Learning.

Session: Strategies for promoting instructional presence (C2)


Greg Kaminski

Greg is with Online Learning where he focuses on promoting quality online/hybrid course design and effective teaching strategies. He coordinates the online and hybrid faculty mentor programs at PCC. He chairs the course quality/professional development team for our statewide organization, OCCDLA. He is a lead QM coordinator for Oregon and a QM workshop facilitator for PCC. His instructional field is ESOL.

Session: The Quality Matters Approach to Online Course Design (A6), Online Course Observations (B6)

Greg Rapp

Greg is a Business faculty

Session: Best Uses of Zoom (D6)

George Gray

George has taught World Religions courses at PCC (Community Education as well as Credit Classes in both F-2-F and D2L formats) since 2000. He is also a Visiting Instructor in the Theology Department at University of Portland. Additionally, George is the Rector of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Portland.

Session: Cross-Campus Collaborative Course Development (B7)


Heather Guevara

Heather is the Online Learning Division Manager for PCC. She was also full-time sociology faculty and a faculty department chair. Heather manages PCC’s course development team that oversees course quality, accessibility and media for online courses, and online course planning and scheduling.

Session: Online Course Observations (B6)

Heather Lang

Dr. Heather is the interim Dean for Student Success, a district role within Student Affairs. Prior to this she served as the Dean of Student Development at the Sylvania Campus. Heather currently provides leadership for implementation of multiple systems improvement efforts on behalf of improving student success – including Early Alert.

Session: Supporting Student Success with Early Alert (D5)

Heather N. Lubay

Heather is an adjunct faculty member at PCC Sylvania & Cascade, as well as University of Portland. Teaching both online and face-to-face courses, her focus is in journalism, mass communication, and communications. In addition, she serves on the Advancement of Educators Committee and Learning Assessment Committee.

Session: The Quality Matters Approach to Online Course Design (A6)

Heather Mayer

Heather is part-time faculty in History and the Teaching Learning Center Coordinator at the Rock Creek campus.

Session: Diversification, Not Tokenization (A7)


Jane Mathers (Guest Speaker – D2L)

Jane is a Solutions Engineer at D2L. She helps educators understand how, and why, to use Brightspace inside and outside the classroom.

Session: Using the Rubrics Tool in Brightspace (B2), Going Mobile with Brightspace (D2)

Jason Pinkal

Jason has been working in higher education for almost 20 years. Before taking on his current role managing PCC’s Advising Redesign Initiative, he worked for eight years in the Online Learning Department serving as an Academic Advisor and Online Faculty Mentor.

Session: Supporting Student Success with Early Alert (D5)

Jeanette Muehleck

Jeanette is a Student Resource Specialist in College Success Skills (CSS) where she advises Developmental Education students. CSS Advisors and instructors work together using early alert best practices to support students. Jeanette looks forward to an early alert process that will provide just-in-time support to students across the college.

Session: Supporting Student Success with Early Alert (D5)

Jen Klaudinyi

Jen is a faculty librarian at the Southeast campus and an open education rabble-rouser. Her current interests include the social justice opportunities afforded by open education, and she is excited to be leading a project to this end: the PCC Equity and Open Education Faculty Cohort.

Session: Exploring Equity Online: Victories and Lessons from the Equity and Open Education Faculty Cohort (D7)

Jennifer Bird

Jennifer has been a part-time faculty member for PCC since 2014, teaching in Religious Studies. Fully teaching online was added to her repertoire only last year, so this collaborative effort has been a part of that overall steep learning curve. Worth it, no question.

Session: Cross-Campus Collaborative Course Development (B7)

Jennifer Ward

Jennifer has been teaching face-to-face, online, and hybrid classes for 15 years, and the last 5 years have been spent teaching solely online. She holds an eLearning Professional Certification from Clark College, has a QM certified algebra course, and has completed many other courses like IYOC and APPQMR.

Session: The Quality Matters Approach to Online Course Design (A6)

Jimena Alvarado

Jimena has a passion for teaching social justice. She often wakes up early with new ideas for how to make her classes better. Her background is in psychology, specifically liberation psychology, critical psychology and community psychology. She also specialized in intersectional feminism, and she teaches Women’s and Gender Studies full-time at Portland Community College.

Session: Real-Time Conversations at the Center of an Online Classroom (B1)

Joni Meisner

Joni teaches for the Computer Applications and Web Technologies department. She also assists the CAWT, Education, and Multi-Media faculty as an online faculty mentor and co-teach the FOOT for Online Learning. She has a B.S. in Business Administration and an M.S. in Education, both from Portland State University.

Session: Strategies for promoting instructional presence (C2)

Justin Rigamonti

Justin teaches reading, composition, and advanced creative writing & publishing at PCC’s Cascade Campus & online. A published children’s book author, Justin holds an MFA in Poetry from UC Irvine and serves as the managing director of a 501c3 literary nonprofit called Poetry Press Week.

Session: Cross-Campus Collaborative Course Development (B7)


Kari Frisch (Keynote Speaker)

Topic: Learning to the Infinite

Kari is an online Communication Instructor at Central Lakes College in Brainerd, MN. She was hired in 2001 and quickly became one of the first instructors to teach online at the campus. She has been highly involved in online development and eLearning ever since. Kari helped develop a grass-roots online course peer-review process for her school, later coordinated their Quality Matters program, lead the school’s Center for Teaching & Learning, and chaired the Online Instruction & Technology Committee for several years. She now serves a dual role as Instructor and campus eLearning Coordinator. Local experience led Kari to leadership positions with several local and state projects. She participated in the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) State Captioning Assessment Project and was later appointed to the Minnesota State Academic and Student Affairs Technology Committee and co-chairs a committee specifically on the Learning Environment. She also chairs a State Technology & eLearning Committee all the while leading online initiatives on her home campus. Kari is very familiar with D2L as that is her state’s assigned LMS. She was inducted into the D2L Edufan Council in 2016, became a D2L Champion in 2018. She has also been very active with the Instructional Technology Council (ITC) where she has been a presenter as well as conference steering committee member. Kari was given the national 2015 ITC Distinguished eLearning Educator award and the Award for Excellence in eLearning: Outstanding eLearning Faculty in 2015. Then in 2016, she was awarded the Minnesota Board of Trustees State Outstanding Educator of the Year Award. Kari’s top four most requested presentation topics are: personalized learning (her mantra is “teaching to the first degree equals learning to the infinite degree”), digital storytelling, digital footprints/citizenship, and of course student success & eLearning tips based on her high course retention. For over a decade (since she’s been tracking) her completion rate with her online courses has averaged around 95%.

Katherine Standish

Katherine’s background is Chemical Engineering where she worked with Renewable Energy making fuel grade ethanol from waste pine. She loves teaching Chemistry and has been at PCC since 2011-2012, teaching online since 2015. She appreciates the flexible nature of online teaching because she has three small children!

Session: Shadowing courses: A method for training new faculty (C2), Proctoring Systems and Integrity of DL courses (D4)

Kris Fink

Fall of 2019 will mark Kris’s 18th year teaching at PCC with the first five years at the Rock Creek Campus and now at Southeast. She’s been teaching composition online at PCC for fifteen years and works with the Faculty Federation as the VP for Membership for “Part-Time” Faculty.

Session: Cross-Campus Collaborative Course Development (B7)

Dr. Kirsten Butcher (Guest Speaker)

Dr. Kirsten is an associate professor of Educational Psychology at University of Utah as well as the Director of the Instructional Design and Educational Technology (IDET) Program and Director of the Center for the Advancement of Technology in Education (CATE) in the College of Education. Her research interests include use of visual representations and interactive media to support high-level cognitive processes, effective learning outcomes, and positive learner experiences with technology. She teaches a broad array of courses, including technology in the classroom, learning science, human/computer interaction and advanced instructional design.

Session: Quizzes for Deep Learning (B4), Hands on: Quizzes for Deep Learning Lab (C4)


Marc Goodman

Marc is an instructor in the Computer Information Systems department, and has been a Distance Learning faculty mentor for 5 years. He is also a member of the Culturally Responsive Online Teaching inquiry group, and collaborated on the CAS/CIS/CS Subject Area Accessibility Study.

Session: Teamwork and oral presentations (C2)

Mario Eiland

Mario works for the Washington State Department of Services for the Blind as an Adaptive Technology Specialist. He analyzes and assesses the technology needed for blind, deaf blind, and low vision individuals in employment settings. He also performs screen reading testing for Online Learning at Portland Community College.

Session: Dispelling Myths: Visual Impairments, Education, and the Workforce (A3)

Martha Bailey

Martha teaches in Philosophy and Religious Studies for Portland Community College and Clackamas Community College. She has been at PCC for 15 years as an instructor.

Session: Cross-Campus Collaborative Course Development (B7)

Mary Courtis

Mary is a full time anthropology faculty and SAC chair who teaches classes regularly online. She is also a member of the DSAC committees who designed the cultural literacy and social science/critical thinking rubrics for PCC.

Session: The Quality Matters Approach to Online Course Design (A6), Signature Assignments for Online Classes (C7)

Mary Sylwester

Mary has been teaching WR 115 and other courses at PCC for 16 years–online for 12. A few years ago, Mary teamed up with Nell Johnson to author a textbook for WR 227 that they revise constantly. She runs a community garden and a home base for her four kids and their dirty laundry.

Session: Cross-Campus Collaborative Course Development (B7)

Megan Savage

Megan Savage has taught writing and literature at Portland Community College since 2008 and has taught online and hybrid courses for PCC and Clark College. As Hybrid Faculty Mentor, she supports colleagues in hybrid instruction. She holds an M.F.A. in Creative Writing and an M.A. in English from Indiana University.

Session: DIY Instructional Video (C1)

Melany Budiman

Melany is one of the Instructional Technology Specialist, based at Sylvania campus. She helps faculty (online, classroom, or hybrid) with their courses, using instructional tools such as D2L Brightspace, Zoom, VoiceThread, Camtasia, etc. She offers training to faculty (one-on-one or group) and departments on instructional tools. She works with faculty on a variety of instructional/ multimedia projects. She is also one of the voices on the Online Faculty Helpdesk, known as 8227. In addition, she taught CAS web classes in 2013-2014.

Session: VoiceThread (C8), Best Uses of Zoom (D6)

Meredith Farkas

Meredith is the PCC Library SAC Chair and is based at Sylvania. She’s the President of the Association of College and Research Libraries, Oregon and writes the column “In Practice” for American Libraries magazine. Meredith has been teaching online for San Jose State University’s MLIS program since 2008.

Session: Integrating Research Skills & Info Literacy Instruction into Online Courses (C6)

Michael Annus

Michael is a staff video producer with Online Learning and the Video Production Unit at PCC and has collaborated with faculty on video projects of all sorts. He has an MA in anthropology and MFA in video & film production and has several years of experience teaching courses, mostly as an adjunct, in both disciplines.

Session: A Star is Born: Creating Compelling Videos For Your Course (D1)

Michael Moss

Michael is the Instructional Technology Specialist for the Cascade campus. He has worked at PCC for most of the last 10 years as a staff member in various positions and more recently as an instructor in Web Technologies as well. His non-PCC experience includes being the Help Desk Manager at the University of Portland.

Session: Kaltura Capture Tools (B8)

Michele Huss

Michele has been teaching various biology courses at PCC for the last 12 years and will be full-time beginning in Fall 2019. Last Spring she taught her first DL course, Human Genetics, and in that class she experimented with strategies and activities to create an inclusive atmosphere in the virtual classroom.

Session: Culturally Responsive Online Teaching (B3)

Micki Josi

Micki has been teaching math for 17 years. She taught middle and high school Math and Special Education for 9 years with the New York City Teaching Fellows. She has taught Math for PCC since 2011 and also teaches for Clackamas Community College.

Session: DIY Instructional Video (C1)

Monica Marlo

Monica is an Immedgineer, or Immersive Education Engineer at Portland Community College, who helps faculty effectively use multimedia tools to meet their measurable objectives. She coordinates the PCC Media Tactics work group, OCCDLA’s Emergent Technology Work Group, and teaches MM142- Intro to Augmented Reality for Multimedia at Cascade.

Session: Come Try Immersive Media! (C2)


Paul Montone

Panel moderator Paul Montone has taught online courses for 10 years at PCC. He is the Online Faculty Mentor for English for the college and a member of the Online Learning Department’s Team Development and Culturally Responsive Online Teaching committees.

Session: Cross-Campus Collaborative Course Development (B7), Building community and introductory posts (C2)


Rhonda Collier

Rhonda teaches Economics at the Sylvania campus, both F2F and online. She has been teaching online at PCC since Blackboard! She is also currently serving as Faculty Department Chair for Economics, Political Science and Sociology.

Session: Online Course Observations (B6)

Rod Lee

Rod has taught high school and college physical science and mathematics courses over the past 20 years. He is currently the Department Chair for Physical Sciences (Chemistry, Physics, General Science, & Geology) at Portland Community College (Sylvania Campus). He has designed three online astronomy classes through the Oregon NASA Space Grant and is currently the Online Physical Sciences Mentor at PCC.

Session: Online Course Observations (B6)

Ron Bekey

Ron is a full-time instructor in Computer Applications and Web Technologies, with many years of experience creating Camtasia videos and adding technology to D2L courses.

Session: H5P: Exciting New Tool for Interactive Online Learning (A2)

Rondi Schei

Rondi is the Accessibility Advocate for Online Learning at Portland Community College. She provides instructional design and accessibility support to faculty developing online courses. In addition, she teaches Economics courses online and is constantly looking for the best methods and technologies to engage her students.

Session: Dispelling Myths: Visual Impairments, Education, and the Workforce (A3), Designing Online Courses: Spicing up your Brightspace Course (D3)


Sara Robertson

Sara joined PCC as a librarian at the Rock Creek campus in 2011. She is forever aiming for a student centered approach to most everything, with as much equity and inclusion as possible, which leads to a lot of practicing new approaches, humility, laughter, and learning along the way.

Session: Integrating Research Skills & Info Literacy Instruction into Online Courses (C6)

Sean Peterson

Sean completed his PhD in musicology at the University of Oregon in 2018. There, he designed and taught music history courses on Hip Hop, Rock, and Blues, and led discussion sections for those and other classes. He has taught Intro to Hip Hop online for PCC for four consecutive terms.

Session: Taking Advantage of Student Participation Tendencies in Online Discussions (B3)

Stacie Williams

Stacie teaches Communication Studies at the Rock Creek campus and online. She is an online faculty mentor, national QM reviewer, and has developed online courses in both team and individual formats.

Session: Tips & Tricks For Using D2L Rubrics (A4), Building community and introductory posts (C2)

Stephanie Bryan

After receiving a Masters in Physical Chemistry from UCLA, Stephanie completed Multiple Subject Teaching Credential in CA and taught in Seattle Public Schools. She has been teaching both chemistry and physics at PCC Cascade for 6 years. Four of those years have been teaching online.

Session: Proctoring Systems and Integrity of DL courses (D4)


Tani McBeth

Tani McBeth has been involved with QM since 2007 as a master/peer reviewer, APPQMR & IYOC online and face-to-face facilitator (for QM and PCC), and has had 2 courses recognized by QM. As an Online Faculty Mentor, she helps instructors design quality online and hybrid courses and develop effective teaching skills. She also teaches in the Psychology department.

Session: The Quality Matters Approach to Online Course Design (A6), DIY Instructional Video (C1)

Tanya Mead

Tanya is the faculty chair of the Education program whose coursework serves future and working teachers and paraeducators in K-12 schools. The Education program went from a fully face to face program to an almost fully online program. Creating meaningful content such as personal videos is critical to running successful online classes.

Session: DIY Instructional Video (C1)

Timothy Krause

Timothy is an instructor of ESOL and a training partner for the Fundamentals of Online Teaching course through PCC’s Online Learning department.

Session: H5P: Exciting New Tool for Interactive Online Learning (A2)


Vivian McCann

Vivian is a Psychology Faculty

Session: Understanding Academic Integrity Challenges Across Disciplines (C5)