Deborah Crawford
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Articles (23):
Career Guidance courses lead to improved success in school and life
- In an effort to answer some of these concerns, along with other options for personal and academic growth, the College Success and Career Guidance courses are providing answers and options. Posted November 22, 2013
President Brown participates in physics workshop
- Brown participated in the workshop, the interactive experiments and even had a behind the scenes look at the NASA experiment room that has a direct link with the International Space Station so students can conduct experiments in zero gravity Posted July 19, 2013
Sylvania Program Completion Ceremonies 1
- Leading up to Portland Community College’s graduation on June 14 is what can be called “completion ceremony season” at the Sylvania Campus Posted June 25, 2013
PCC partners with local Chamber of Commerce to offer local businesses training opportunities 1
- Portland Community College's Newberg and CLIMB centers partnered with the Chehalem Valley Chamber of Commerce to offer a business symposium for business leaders in the local community Posted June 10, 2013
PCC brings civic participation to Founders’ Week 2
- The purpose of the event is providing a venue for a moderated discussion about the role that we all play in democracy and how each individual can make a difference Posted May 8, 2013
Annual e-Cycling event at Sylvania Campus set for May 18
- Unwanted computer equipment (computer towers, laptops, monitors, printers, keyboards, scanners and disks) will be accepted Posted May 3, 2013
Updated equipment provides new opportunities for PCC medical programs
- The equipment has made a significant impact on the student’s ability to practice and learn on equipment that they will be using in their careers Posted April 26, 2013
NY Times’ best-selling author coming to PCC Reads
- As part of PCC Reads, Kwok will speak about her book, “Girl in Translation,” and provide opportunities for people to ask questions and sign copies of her novel Posted April 15, 2013
Sylvania lockdown drill set for Thursday, April 11
- Sylvania Campus will hold a “lockdown drill” using its Mass Notification and Alert System Posted April 2, 2013
Youth Action Grants ceremony honors students who make a difference
- The Youth Action Grants provide an opportunity for youth to write grants that develop programs or special events to help other Portland youth address initiatives set forth in the city of Portland’s Youth Bill of Rights Posted March 29, 2013