This content was published: April 10, 2018. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC’s Rock Creek Campus art students to welcome former high school teachers

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Art students have homework too and at the Portland Community College Rock Creek Campus a recent assignment asked them to think about their high school art teachers who had encouraged them to study art at the college level.rc

Eight of those supportive art teachers from local high schools will be recognized for their mentorship at a reception from 4-6 p.m., Thursday, April 12, in the Helzer Gallery, Building 3. The event is free and the Rock Creek community is encouraged to attend. The same eight teachers are currently sharing their art in Helzer Gallery in an exhibit that continues through April 27.

The idea behind the exhibit/reception is to strengthen the ties among local art teachers with the Rock Creek Campus arts program and to offer encouragement to students who might consider a future in the arts.  Current art students at Rock Creek and some of the former students of these eight teachers are expected to attend the reception.

The teachers and their high schools are – Richard Shearing, Liberty High School; Philip Thias, Forest Grove; Eloika Rozendaal, Sunset; Lilly Windle, Lincoln; Chris Hagerty, Glencoe; Kim Short, Westview; Megan Metz, Arts & Communication Magnet Academy; and Rebecca Buchanan, Century.