This content was published: August 26, 2016. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Interested in becoming a LITE listener? Applications due Sept. 7

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Conflict resolution, compassion, skill-building. . . all are part of a novel new resource coming to PCC this fall: the Listening Intervention Team for Equity (LITE).

Targeted to PCC students, faculty and staff, LITE is a resource for those who have experienced inequity or who are in need of guidance to navigate intercultural dynamics at the college. Trained listeners will serve as key internal points of contact to offer compassion, share skill-building techniques, and connect those in need with other existing support resources.

Faculty and staff interested in becoming trained to be LITE listeners should complete the application found on the LITE Web page – – by Wednesday, Sept. 7. Applications submitted after that date will be kept on file for consideration for future LITE cohorts assembled during the 2016-2017 academic year.

In the event of questions, please contact Karen Paez at or Kate Chester at

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x by Michael Fennern 8 years ago

Need some assistance please

x by Kate Chester 8 years ago

Hi, Michael — please email me at and I’ll be happy to try to assist you.

Many thanks!

Kate Chester