This content was published: July 29, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Cascade safety effort in contention for worldwide award

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A broad-based community safety effort begun at the Cascade Campus been selected as one of five finalists for this year’s Herman Goldstein Award for Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing. The North Albina and Killingsworth Collaboration is up against three submissions from the Metropolitan Police of London in England, as well as a submission from the Milwaukee Police Department in Wisconsin. The Goldstein Award recognizes excellence in innovative and collaborative approaches to community policing.

The North Albina and Killingsworth Collaboration grew out of the Albina-Killingsworth Safe Neighborhood Commission, a Cascade-based organization comprising local residents, businesses, educational institutions, and government agencies, including the North Precinct of the Portland Police Bureau. The Commission continues to meet monthly to develop common-sense ways to make the larger community around Cascade a safer place to live, work, and study.

The campus will work with the North Precinct and other members of the collaboration over the coming weeks to develop a presentation for the annual Problem-Oriented Policing Conference, to be held here in Portland in October, where the winner of this year’s Goldstein Award will be determined.