This content was published: November 21, 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Retired technology specialist Kirke Johnson killed in accident

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Kirke Johnson loved commuting to work via his recumbent cycle.

Kirke Johnson loved commuting to work via his recumbent cycle.

Portland Community College lost one of its most longest serving staff members. The recently retired Kirke Johnson was killed on Thursday, Nov. 20 when a FedEx truck turned into the path of his recumbent bicycle in Northwest Portland. Johnson had retired in October after 28 years with PCC. His former supervisor, Associate Vice President of Technology Leslie Riester, released a statement on his untimely passing.

“Kirke was a gentle, peaceful, thoughtful, and intellectually curious man who be greatly missed,” she said. “He was a careful cyclist who had been commuting by bike to work for the past 10 years, and had been planning a cross-country bicycle trip with his wife this winter. Our thoughts are with his family and many PCC friends as we struggle through this difficult time.”

PCC’s Communications Office profiled Johnson in 2007, detailing his love of his recumbent cycle and the miles of biking he was logging for a commuter challenge.

College staff have established a Spaces page for those who knew Kirke Johnson to send condolences and post memories, and stories about him.

Update: Service planned for Dec. 6

A memorial service has been planned for 1 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 6, at Cheatham Hall, World Forestry Center, 4033 S.W.Canyon Road. Attendees are encouraged to dress casual as Johnson didn’t believe in dressing fancy. In lieu of flowers, organizers request that you make a donation for bicycle safety in his name to the The Bicycle Transportation Alliance or to Kirke Johnson’s fund c/o Virginia Bruce at Sunset Credit Union.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »

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x by Gabriel Nagmay 9 years ago

Very, very sad news.

It was an honor to work with Kirke here at the college. He was also a mentor and inspiration when it came to cycling. He will be missed by everyone who knew him.

x by Faraji Hannah-Jones 9 years ago

It was an absolute treat to work with this man. I was with the college for 4.5 years before moving to Brooklyn, NY. When I met Kirke Johnson, he was pretty fun to talk to. Kirke loved life, his spirit was contagious. He kept you engaged when he talked about his adventures. I admired him, he is one of many people who made my experience at PCC awesome. Definitely riding in all of our hearts. Thank you Kirke for your contribution to the universe.