This content was published: December 23, 2013. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Video highlights of 2013

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Back by popular demand is our top-list of most watched and discussed videos!

Below are some of the highlighted video productions from the calendar year 2013. The videos include events that have happened at the college as well as program and student profiles. Beyond these, the PCC YouTube channel also contains a wide array of instructional videos. To find out more, go to

Roller Derby in Portland – Rose City Rollers

Published on April 26: Highlight montage of the Rose City Rollers. PCC Instructor, Erik Fauske and PCC students filmed and edited this for PCC TV channel 27.

Making Math More Accessible

Published on February 26: Portland Community College departments took a closer look at making math accessible to blind students. Read more about the math accessibility study.

Cully Grove: HRV/Heat Recovery Ventilator Installation

Published on September 16: Cully Grove is a new co-housing development in NE Portland Oregon. In this video, HVAC technicians Jason Rose and Matt Curtis with Imagine Energy, LLC offer insights and tips as they install one of the HRVs.

Michelle Alexander Speech – The New Jim Crow

Published on February 3: Michelle Alexander, noted civll rights author of “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” speaks at Emmanuel Temple Church, hosted by Portland Community College.

Yes We Can – Women in STEM Fields

Published on March 8: A short series of interviews with women in STEM Fields for Women’s History Month 2013.

2013 African Film Festival

Published on January 22: The longest-running annual African film festival in the United States is hosted each year by PCC.

Mahrajan at Portland Community College

Published on January 11: A celebration of Arab heritage and culture in Oregon, this event was held at the PCC Sylvania Campus.

Tribute to Dr. Preston Pulliams

Published on May 20: As Dr. Preston Pulliams prepares to step down as President of Portland Community College, we honor his many years of outstanding service.

Meet PCC’s New President

Published on April 26: Meet the new President for Portland Community College, Dr. Jeremy Brown.

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Portland Community College – Graduation Ceremony

Published on February 21: Join the graduating class for the 2013 commencement ceremony.

Season’s Greetings from PCC 2013

Published on December 13: And finally, to end the year, we would like to send greetings and best wishes to you and your loved ones during this holiday season.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »