This content was published: December 27, 2010. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Top-10 web stories of 2010

Photos and story by

Each week during the past year, we have featured the story of a student, faculty, staff member or location at Portland Community College. Many of these stories were viewed thousands of times.

Here’s the top-10 stories of 2010:

1) Acclaimed author Sherman Alexie talked at PCC

Published Monday, March 29, 2010 | Viewed 5,238 times

Alexie’s visit was part of Sylvania Reads, which is an initiative to encourage faculty, staff and students to read books that address topics and issues pertaining to diversity


2) Decemberists, Lemony Snickets artist featured at Art Beat

Published Thursday, April 29, 2010 | Viewed 5,181 times

Northwest Portland artist Carson Ellis was selected as the 2010 Art Beat featured artist. She is best known for her illustrations for The Decemberists’ album covers and for children’s books, including Lemony Snicket’s ‘The Composer is Dead’


3) Financial Aid Day designed to help students get money

Published Monday, January 4, 2010 | Viewed 4,990 times

The event was hosted by PCC and is held annually in conjunction with other colleges statewide to assist students in applying for federal financial aid


4) Survivor of war, discrimination, assimilation speaks at graduation

Published Saturday, May 29, 2010 | Viewed 4,912 times

PCC’s student speaker and Ford Scholar winner Miral Rezayee Bessed of Sherwood has survived rocket attacks and violence back home in Pakistan and Afghanistan and culture shock here in the U.S. to excel in education


5) Q & A: Sweden’s Andreas Correa got fit at PCC

Published Monday, May 10, 2010 | Viewed 4,283 times

Correa, a mixed martial arts expert and former Navy Ranger in Sweden, is taking the Fit Tech program by storm


6) Eight students named as Oregon Governor’s Scholars

Published Monday, April 5, 2010 | Viewed 4,205 times

Eight students have been recognized as Oregon’s Outstanding Community College StudentScholars, including Liz McPhee (pictured), who also was named a national Coca-Cola Silver Scholar


7) PCC passed enrollment stress tests as new school year started

Published Tuesday, September 14, 2010 | Viewed 3,899 times

PCC continues to grow in the double digits, which has led to a 22-percent increase in the amount of financial aid applications through the college as it expands facilities


8) Business for PCC’s free shuttle service is boomed

Published Thursday, September 23, 2010 | Viewed 3,705 times

From students to staff and faculty, the shuttle service that connects people to all major campuses and centers is seeing big ridership numbers


9) Willow Creek Earth Fair shows off sustainable design

Published Monday, April 19, 2010 | Viewed 3,535 times

On Saturday, April 24, the college opened its Willow Creek Center – the first LEED Platinum certified building in Washington County


10) Winter Powwow built Native connections

Published Tuesday, January 19, 2010 | Viewed 3,441 times

The 11th annual WACIPI Traditional Winter Powwow at the Sylvania Campus featured Native American drum groups, dancing, food, crafts and a chance for people to reconnect with their heritage

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »