This content was published: November 8, 2006. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Free nanotechnology lecture tickets available

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The PCC Libraries at the Cascade, Rock Creek, and Sylvania campuses all have about 40 tickets to give away to the upcoming lecture "Designing the Future on the NanoFrontier" by NASA scientist Dr. Meyya Meyyappan. This is part of the Linus Pauling Lecture series that is sponsored by PCC. The lecture is Nov 30, Thursday at 7 pm in the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, (The Old "Portland" Theater on SW Broadway).

Any PCC Student or staff member may get two tickets by coming to the library and asking for them. First come, first served, no mailing, setting aside, or favors.

Instructors who want to take a group from a class should contact Nellie Long at 503-977-4621.