This content was published: December 21, 2001. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

River Boat Music and More on PCC Senior Studies Institute Winter Term Schedule

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PORTLAND, Ore. – There are informative and intriguing topics available in classes through the Portland Community College Senior Studies Institute (SSI) this winter term, beginning Jan. 7. The institute, which is an active group of seniors interested in continuous education, will provide plenty class choices at four locations in the Portland area. The highlights include "Music on the Mississippi,"focusing on famous river boat music and "Great Decisions,"which will explore objectively current international topics. For the travelers, SSI will host a class, "Mexico: Conquest and Colonial Period,"to introduce not only colonial history of the region but topography and indigenous people issues. Also, this winter term SSI will explore, "Journalism: From the Inside Out,"featuring two retired local journalists – Joe McFarland (UPI, Associated Press and The Oregonian) and Peter Townsend (The Oregonian).Senior Studies Institute members pay an annual fee of $30 and anyone may attend up to two classes on a trial basis. Classes will be held at the SMILE station (8210 S.E. 13th), Neighborhood House Senior Center (7688 S.W. Capitol Hwy.) and the Washington County Workforce Training Center (185th and Walker Rd). Senior Studies information is available in the winter schedule or at: For more information, contact Neal Naigus, community relations manager, at 503-977-4122.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »