This content was published: June 2, 1997. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

How to Get What You’re Looking For

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Portland – Subtle mental barriers and old habits often block growth and progress in life. Dismantle those obstacles with How to Get What You’re Looking For, a three-week class on Wednesday evenings beginning June 25 at Portland Community College Sylvania Campus.

This class will provide you with ways to look at and appreciate your special gifts, build an interesting routine and avoid discouraging ruts. Replace them with celebration, meaningful rituals and an exploration of your powers to focus, heal, visualize and play.

Tuition is $15 for the series of three classes, or $10 per individual evening. The class meets Wednesdays, 7 to 9 p.m. in SCB Room 102, PCC Sylvania Campus, 12000 Southwest 49th Avenue. Dial PCC at 731-6618 for more information.

Map Your Inner Landscape

Portland – Discover hidden treasures! Make your own map! Explore your personal connection to inner images using a variety of media in Art: The Inner Landscape, a six-week class on Tuesdays beginning June 24 at Portland Community College Sylvania Campus.

A creative, healing atmosphere to this class will make both experienced and beginning artists feel welcome.

Tuition is $57 including all materials and instruction. Class meets Tuesdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., in SS Room 122, PCC Sylvania Campus, 12000 Southwest 49th Avenue.

For registration information, dial PCC at 731-6618.

Relive the Oral Tradition

Portland – The oral tradition, it is often said, has become a lost art form. Not entirely. Learn the tale spinner’s craft in Art of Storytelling, a six-week class at Portland Community College Sylvania Campus on Wednesday evenings starting June 25.

Master Storyteller (Celtic Mythology), actor and author Michael Whalen will discuss how to write, research and perform storytelling while focusing on creativity, myth and fun! The use of dialect will also be covered. No previous experience is required.

Tuition is $30. Class meets on Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at PCC Sylvania Campus, CT Room 108, 12000 Southwest 49th Avenue. For more information, call PCC at 244-1606.

They Were the Signs of Their Times

Portland – In this modern high-tech world, the Egyptian pyramids are still considered an engineering wonder. Tap into that ancient wisdom in Egyptian Hieroglyphics, an eight-week class at Portland Community College Sylvania Campus on Wednesdays beginning June 25.

This introductory class, taught by John Sarr, director of the Ancient Egypt Studies Association, uses slide presentations and progressive exercises to create understanding of Egyptian hieroglyph writing.

Tuition is $75. The class meets from 7 to 9 p.m. on Wednesdays in HT Room 307, PCC Sylvania Campus, 12000 Southwest 49th Avenue. Dial PCC at 731-6618 for more information.

Wrestle Those Home-Business Demons

Portland – You’ve toiled under another’s whip. But other problems await those daring enough to strike out alone at home. Learn how to cope in Keeping Up and Staying Sane in Your Home-Based Business, a one-day seminar offered on

Saturday, July 26, at Portland Community College Sylvania Campus.

Instructor Tom Grier introduces techniques for staying focused on your strengths, setting realistic goals and time lines, managing worry, avoiding isolation and battling that ever-present gremlin, procrastination.

Tuition is $14. The seminar meets in Room 101 of the Student Center from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sylvania Campus is located at 12000 Southwest 49th Avenue. For more information, call PCC at 978-5205.