Study Abroad Providers

Faculty-led education abroad programs at PCC are required to collaborate with an approved and vetted provider organizations. The providers assist both the education abroad staff and faculty in logistics, academics, student services, and crisis management. Below you will find a more detailed description of this support.

Study Abroad Providers: Why and what do they do?

Proposal and Planning process:

  • Partner with faculty on curricular support and program design
    Provider Vector
  • Offer access to academic support and local experts in various fields
  • Provide on-the-ground expertise and access to a variety of learning experiences and locations;
  • Are staffed by on-site local staff and full-time health, safety, and security personnel.
  • Provide guidance about on the ground logistics, timing, distances and pace
  • Have been approved and vetted by the highest level of PCC Administration.
During the Program
  • Provide logistical, cross-cultural, and academic support for the program
  • Deliver a required on-site orientation covering relevant cultural information, health and safety guidance and program logistics with the faculty leader
  • Provide 24/7 emergency and crisis management support in the case of health or safety issues arising for faculty or students
  • Work collaboratively with EAO and faculty leader to resolve student conduct issues and program logistical issues that may arise
  • Provides student support services
  • Provide final program report and budgetary reconciliation to EAO
List of PCC Approved Study Abroad Providers

The following approved providers meet PCC’s standards for academic quality, risk management, and quality of service: