Education Abroad Review Committee

The Education Abroad Review Committee (EARC):

  • is a faculty committee charged with reviewing and deciding whether to recommend study abroad proposals to PCC administration
  • advocates for study abroad across the college
  • is made up of voting (full & part time faculty) and non-voting (advisory and administrative) members
  • meets once a month during academic year
  • has Faculty Mentors to support you through the proposal process
  • interviews all faculty members who propose a faculty-led program

View the EARC Mission and Bylaws (Revised 2022)

Committee Members

  • Martha Bailey | Instructor, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Cascade Campus
  • Karen Embry | Instructor, English, Rock Creek Campus (Committee Chair)
  • Ericka Goerling | Instructor, Psychology, Cascade Campus
  • Kim Manchester | Instructor, Visual Arts/Photography, Sylvania Campus
  • Sandy Neps | Instructor, Biology, Cascade Campus
  • Torie Scott | Librarian, Cascade Campus
  • Stephanie Yorba | Instructor, Spanish, Rock Creek Campus
  • Joshua Andersen | Experiential Learning Assistant
  • Adriane Bolliger | Education Abroad Specialist
  • Anne Frey | Education Abroad Manager
  • Alison Garfinkle | Education Abroad Specialist
  • Anne Haberkern | Dean of Teaching, Learning & Curricular Innovation

Meet Ericka, EARC Faculty Mentor & 2024 Ed Abroad Faculty

Ericka Goerling, PCC Psychology Faculty, is an EARC member, one of our faculty mentors, and a 2024 Ed Abroad Faculty program leader. Learn more about Ericka and the upcoming Human Sexuality in Amsterdam program she will be leading with colleague Emerson Wolfe in summer 2024.

Learn More About EARC & Faculty Mentors

Contact EARC Chair & Faculty Mentor: